Questions tagged [3d]

3D computer graphics are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering 2D images.

3D could mean 3D graphics. 3D graphics usually involve a lot of matrix manipulation and vector mathematics. These matrices will be both affine transformations for manipulating the objects in 3D space (translation, rotation and scaling) and perspective transformations for generating the 2D image required for display. More information about 3D graphics at Wikipedia page of 3D graphics

3D could also mean Stereoscopy. Stereoscopy (also called stereoscopics or 3D imaging) is a technique for creating or enhancing the illusion of depth in an image by means of stereopsis for binocular vision. To generate stereo images two normal displays are generated offset from each other by the distance between the eyes. These are then combined on the display in one a variety of ways (LCD shutter glasses, polarised projections etc.) to generate the 3D effect.

More information on Stereoscopy at Wikipedia page of Stereoscopy

15601 questions
7 answers

Are there any good Javascript graphics libraries?

After staring at this 3D cube and these triangles for a while I started wondering if there's any good reliable Javascript graphics library with basic 3D support. Any suggestion?
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1 answer

Custom WP7 Silverlight control with dynamic 3D content

Ideally I need to implement a WP7 control that can be added to any XAML and which displays a dynamic, interactive 3D scene. Currently I have this implemented via XNA in shared mode, and the UI is rendered on top of the scene using UIElementRenderer.…
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5 answers

R: Plotting a 3D surface from x, y, z

imagine I have a 3 columns matrix x, y, z where z is a function of x and y. I know how to plot a "scatter plot" of these points with plot3d(x,y,z) But if I want a surface instead I must use other commands such as surface3d The problem is that it…
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17 answers

Unity, Torque3D, Google O3D, WebGl....which to choose?

for development of interactive 3d web applications, which engine is recommended? I am aware that WebGL has been anounced to become standarized for all browsers in the near future (1~2 years). I am afraid that by investing time into a proprietary…
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30 answers

What's the best alternative to C++ for real-time graphics programming?

C++ just sucks too much of my time by making me micro-manage my own memory, making me type far too much (hello std::vector::const_iterator it = lotsOfThingys.begin()), and boring me with long compile times. What's the single best…
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8 answers

How can I implement a FPS view with WebGL inside a browser?

I'm using Copperlicht, and I want to create a usable FPS. The demo controls shows why the browser environment makes this a pain. In order to implement FPS camera control, you need to track the relative mouse position - in other words, its motion,…
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2 answers

Matplotlib 3D Scatter Plot with Colorbar

Borrowing from the example on the Matplotlib documentation page and slightly modifying the code, import numpy as np from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def randrange(n, vmin, vmax): return…
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2 answers

Android OpenGL .OBJ file loader

There seem to be quite a number of OBJ mesh file loaders out there that people have developed for use on the Android platform. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with these and can offer a recommendation on which one seems to work best for…
Matt Huggins
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4 answers

Converting World coordinates to Screen coordinates in Three.js using Projection

There are several excellent stack questions (1, 2) about unprojecting in Three.js, that is how to convert (x,y) mouse coordinates in the browser to the (x,y,z) coordinates in Three.js canvas space. Mostly they follow this pattern: var elem =…
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2 answers

Changing the background color of the axes planes of a matplotlib 3D plot

On the basis of the scatterplot example of matplotlib, how can I change the gray background color of the 3 axes grid planes? I would like to set it to white, keeping the grid lines with the default gray color. I found this question but I couldn't…
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6 answers

ThreeJS camera.lookAt() has no effect, is there something I'm doing wrong?

In Three.js, I want a camera to be pointed at a point in 3D space. For this purpose, I tried using the camera.lookAt function like so: camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(-100,-100,0)); However, I found out that the call has no effect whatsoever. It…
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4 answers

canvas vs. webGL vs. CSS 3d -> which to choose?

For basic 3d web application i.e. a few cubes, rotation and translation in 3d space - which is better to choose? CSS 3d seems the easiest, but is not supported on IE9 or on the roadmap for IE10, and offers less control than the other options. Canvas…
Elad Katz
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5 answers

OpenGL, How to create a "bumpy Polygon"?

I am unsure of how to describe what I'm after, so I drew a picture to help: My question, is it possible within OpenGL to create the illusion of those pixel looking bumps on a single polygon, without having to resort to using many polygons? And if…
Anne Quinn
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6 answers

Which 3D Model format should I be using?

Im writing a game engine and I'm wondering what 3D model format should I use/load/export? Obj seems universal and easy but it also appears to be unreliable in that most models out there contain errors and it doesn't store anywhere near as much as…
Tom J Nowell
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1 answer

ValueError: Unknown projection '3d' (once again)

When executing this line of code: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #your code fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') I have an output error: raise ValueError("Unknown projection %r" % projection) ValueError: Unknown projection…
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