Questions tagged [3d-model]

A mathematical representation of any three-dimensional surface of an object.

272 questions
1 answer

Three.js Center 3d Model

this is the first time I write on stackoverflow ...a couple of days I'm trying to use the javascript library Three.js (actually version n° r99), I correctly entered the 3D model but when I see it loaded is seen from behind and not centered on the…
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How to import an obj file in Scenekit macOS App

I am trying to read a .obj file into a SCNNode from the local drive on a macOS app (not iOS) with the following code: let url = NSURL(string: objPath!) let asset = MDLAsset(url: url! as URL) let node = SCNNode(mdlObject: asset.object(at:…
Sarbartha Sengupta
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Blender - Export to DAE with texture

Okay, i have a really wierd problem. I am totally new to blender, and i have just bought a 3D model of a present, to play a little around with. The 3D model looks very nice, and in Rendered, Material and texture mode are all the materials showing…
Lasse Bickmann
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How to rotate/scale/change coordinates of SCNNode programatically in ios

I want to put 3D Spectacles model in human's eye using face/eye detection and it should be movable as face moves like Snapchat does. I have loaded the 3D .obj model in view but I can not able to change the rotation angle, coordinates and zoom value…
Viral Mithani
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0 answers

Android Kudan - Extending ARActivity will stop working system camera torch (Flash light)

I am working on kudan SDK for building 3D Model Augment Reality Object with Marker, all are perfectly works fine,but when i build Camera torch on same ARActivity will stop working flash light, even it will stop working system flash torch (On/off…
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Ploting building surfaces from CityGML data

I've been struggling with 3D ploting some coordinates since a long ago and now I'm really frustrated, so your help will be really appreciated. I'd like to plot the facade of a building from a CityGML file (which is originally simply an XML file). I…
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Morphing vertices' positions between multiple 3d models with three.js

I am trying to transition between 3+ 3D models with some nice perlin noise based on user input, just like this: I can easily transition between…
0 answers

How to increase the loading speed 3D model with Three.js?

I have doing some research on three.js to display 3D model on webpage and I succeeded. However, the load time (preprocessing time) is pretty slow as you can see from here the load time is 11+ seconds and my file size is 69.5MB; during that moment I…
3 answers

using 3D models in CZML file to move an object

I am creating a CZML file, I have a path that I want my object to follow that path and move on it location by location (I defined positions based on time epoch.) It works perfectly with billboard with an image, but when I change my code to have a…
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2 answers

Detect hole in geometry

I am working with a serialization pipeline. I am taking a model and exporting it. I do not wish to export any model with a hole in a face. How would I detect a hole and report a error? I have access to all vertexes, edges, faces etc. Here is a…
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1 answer

LIbgdx - Why is AssetManager not working?

I have tried to use Asset Manager to load some assets. Everything works fine, except for one part. Here is my code My AssetHandler Class (contains assetManager) public class AssetHandler { public static AssetManager manager; public static…
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2 answers

How to calculate volume of supported material from STL file?

I have a STL files that contains 3d model of basic ball and another 3d model of some weird block. I was given the task of finding out volume of model and the possible supported Material? This is how I calculate. BoundingBox Volume = lenght x width…
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1 answer

Cross-sections of OBJ in three.js using ThreeCSG

I'm trying to make cross-sections of an OBJ loaded with the three.js OBJ loader using the threeCSG wrapper for the JavaScript constructive solid geometry library. When I use a regular mesh (like a sphere/cube), the intersection csg operation works…
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0 answers

WebGL - trying to add thickness to a dynamically generated 3D model (waterproofing for printing)

I am looking for some inputs on, how I can add wall thickness to a 3D model without using softwares like blender. I am having a 3D model built dynamically using vertices and indexes to build the wall. Now I need to take this model for printing. I…
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2 answers

RedPitaya case or housing options?

The RedPitaya is a great looking instrument, but I'm afraid that I'll kill my new (expensive) device by stray voltage or ESD off my bench, within a few days. Is it planned to make an optional "professional" case or similar to protect it? Has anyone…
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