Questions tagged [2sxc]

Anything related to 2sxc, the content-management module & app-engine for DNN/DotNetNuke.

487 questions
1 answer

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './app/app.module.ngfactory'

I cannot compile my Angular 5 application using AOT (ng build --prod). What is the problem? Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './app/app.module.ngfactory' in 'C:\Projects\app-dnn-sxc-angular-dev\src' @ ./src/main.ts 3:0-66 @ multi…
Christoph Bühler
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1 answer

if else statement is not being treated as code inside @foreach - 2sxc v11 DNN 9.8

I'm currently learning 2sxc and am building a directory app as my initial project. I'm trying to use the following code in a list view to change the way an item is displayed based on the Boolean "UpgradedListing" @foreach(var listing in…
3 answers

DNN indexer fails with 2sxc content modules

On a recent DNN/2sxc installation, the DNN index functions fail with a GeneralException: "The given key was not present in the dictionary." The stack error is: Message:Search: Error while indexing module 458 on tab 50, portal…
1 answer

ValueFilter does not work in 2sxc in visual query

I have a JSON result set which is like this "Default": [ { "PortalId": 0, "Price": 990000, "Featured": false, "Type": 1, "Bathrooms": 6, "Rooms": 5, "Volume": 0, "Area": 430, "CreatedDate":…
2 answers

2scx very slow when saving content

We're having an issue with one of our sites. It's a large DNN Platform site version 8.0.4, with close to 1000 pages of content that is close to going into production. We have been using 2sxc 9.10 to manage the content on the site, unfortunately it's…
2 answers

2sxc blog app posts and DNN search

While using the 2sxc blog app, i noticed that the DNN search results shows all the post but the link of the post title is the main Blog page and not the actual post link. Example search results show: Page title: I am a post title Link for the above…
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2 answers

add button is missing for Content:Toolbar

The add button that appears over the 2sxc items is missing all of a sudden. It was there a couple days agao but now when I log into any portal in my DNN instance the "+" or add button is missing here is a screen shot: As you can see, the change…
J King
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2 answers

How to access Another Module's Content and Presentation Items after 2sxc v10.20+

Here is code that worked up through 2sxc 10.9.1. Though I am able to get the CmsBlock for the TabID, ModuleID and get that to .Render(), I need more. Here is the old code. Not sure it makes any difference, but this View is using the normal Link…
Jeremy Farrance
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2 answers

How can I output the CDF version inside a C# Razor template in 2sxc?

I have a template that has an image tag inside of it. I want to append the DNN CDF version to the image. So for example, when I increment the CDF version and skin.css?cdv=74, then the image tag inside of my 2sxc razor templates will also get pushed…
1 answer

How do I create a breadcrumb nav for a banner hero in 2sxc using C#?

Using 2sxc, I have a hero module that I use across the website on all pages. It looks like this: It uses "@Content.Title" for the h1 tag so it displays "Scholarships". But I need to make a breadcrumb that gets the parent page's name of the current…
1 answer

How to bind uploaded file with ADAM to entity field correctly in 2sxc module?

I need to create entity object programmatically and fill it with data. One field needs to be of a file type. So I managed to create entity without file, upload file in ADAM using this sample of code. However it seems that I didn't bind it as it is…
3 answers

Is there a way to have the user upload an SVG file but then render the SVG source?

Using 2sxc on DNN, I have a website that uses SVGs for icons in content types. The client wants to be able to upload the SVG icons to 2sxc via a Link field but then instead of rendering , they want it to render the source…
1 answer

How do you translate a dropdown in 2sxc?

I have a 2sxc app that's on a multilingual DNN website. In my app, I use a lot of dropdown fields for content. How do I let users translate a dropdown selection for another language? For example, if I have a content type for a person, and in that…
5 answers

How can I output just the text of a select instead of the value in 2sxc razor templates?

In 2sxc App, in my content type, I have a dropdown list of Canadian provinces that have a name and a value for the abbreviation. It looks like this: British Columbia:bc Alberta:ab Prince Edward Island:pei Etc. I want to be able to use both the text…
1 answer

Calling an external API from razor template

I'm trying to use a MS Dynamics API JSON response as a datasource in my 2sxc razor template. For security reasons I want to generate the query as a server side post request. My code has to live inside of the razor template as I have no FTP access to…
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