Questions tagged [2sxc]

Anything related to 2sxc, the content-management module & app-engine for DNN/DotNetNuke.

487 questions
0 answers

Giving Journalists Draft Edit with the New 9.30 Permissions and $

I am trying out the new permissions and $2sxc.cms API released in 2sxc 9.30. My goal is to allow journalists to create new blogs, see/edit their drafts, but only allow lead editors to publish. I have most features working: A journalist can add/edit…
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1 answer

WYSIWYG editor custom class

Is there a way to add custom formats and classes to the default html formatting of the WYSIWYG editor on 2sxc? If so could you point me to where to this on 2sxc. I know TinyMCE is capable of this, I'm just not sure where I should include the code…
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2sxc - How To create toolbar button to open custom CSHTML

If I want to create a button for template-editor I am using this code: @Edit.Toolbar(actions: "template-develop") But in my template code I also use code like this: @RenderPage("_pager.cshtml", new { count = data.pCount, active =…
Jernej Pirc
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2 answers

2sxc - HttpResponseMessage reference missing in Custom api controller

When I return base or custom object from SxcApiController everything work OK, but If I try to return: "HttpResponseMessage", Something like: return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new { Message = "ERROR : " + ex.Message } ); I…
Jernej Pirc
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2sxc - Get EntityId or EntityGuid of newly created object inside custom api controller

For adding new entity inside my custom API I use code like this: var tagGroup = new Dictionary(); tagGroup.Add("Title", "Some new tagGroup name"); App.Data.Create("TagGroup", tagGroup, "WebApiUser"); This work fine if I…
Jernej Pirc
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2sxc - Cannot use c# vars

I'm trying to use a 2sxc view to create some statistics with linq. However I can't seem to be able to call any c# var. Here's an example: @{ if (@Request.QueryString["ano"] == "" || @Request.QueryString["ano"] == null) {

ano not set,…

João Gomes
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3 answers

2sxc method App.Data.Create returns System.NullReferenceException

Versions: DNN PLATFORM v. 09.01.00 (367) / 2sic 2SexyContent 09.06.00 Hello, The external call to the WebAPI App.Data.Create method does not seem to work anymore (it was working with v9.4). My controller is : public class…
1 answer

Change Title and Add Facebook OG Meta in Razor

Blog posts for the 2sxc Blog App are not shared with proper titles by Facebook share buttons. Currently blog post Razor handles title-change with javascript. Facebook and search engines don't like that. As a result they end up getting the default…
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2sxc - Toolbar - Edit permissions by DNN roles

I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how permissions work. Giving users security roles in DNN like edit module/page just to be able to edit app data doesn't work for me. I need to give users strict permissions to add or edit any data on the…
João Gomes
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1 answer

2sxc module reinstallation

The problem I’m experiencing is when uninstalling 2sxc in DNN 7.3.xx and then trying to reinstall it again I get an error (see below). I believe that the DB has remnants of the installation and I tried going directly to the DB and removing…
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2sxc Blog App show year in URL of detail page

I'm using the default Blog App, by default the detail page url starts with /post/* However, i also like the PublicationMoment Year to show as well in the URL. So for example if the post was published in year 2017 the detail page will have the year…
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2sxc | Dnn Object for 'Tag' field in Dnn page settings

I am using one of the 2sxc Sherlock snippet Dnn objects to filter further what displays to screen as follows: @if(@Dnn.Tab.KeyWords == "Living") { which works fine....but I would prefer if the Dnn.Tab 'Tag' field could be used as a Dnn object just…
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2 answers

2sxc Linq query for Categories

I have entities: Documents, Category, DocList Documents and DocumentList can have multiple categories selected. I want to make filter for Documents that are in one or more categories. // all documents var items =…
Jernej Pirc
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1 answer

Error with 2sxc Blog: does not contain a definition for 'LinkToPageNumber'

We have the 2sxc AppBlog module in place and it has been working for months. Suddenly, I get contacted from the client that it's not working. When the page loads, the error is 'Error rendering template.' In the logs, the full exception…
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1 answer

2sxc How to add Comments in blog app

I see on github repository a new version of the blog app is in working. I would to know if it is planned to add a sort of comments management maybe with some configurations, like if the comments would be moderated or not... If nothing is planned…
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