I saw some x86 assembly in Qt's source:

    movl 4(%esp), %ecx
    incl (%ecx)
    mov $0,%eax
    setne %al

    .align 4,0x90
    .type q_atomic_increment,@function
    .size   q_atomic_increment,.-q_atomic_increment
  1. From Googling, I knew lock instruction will cause CPU to lock the bus, but I don't know when CPU frees the bus?

  2. About the whole above code, I don't understand how this code implements the Add?

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    Please see http://stackoverflow.com/a/3339380/856777 – Lucian Jan 17 '12 at 07:37
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    related: my answer on [Can num++ be atomic for 'int num'?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39393850/can-num-be-atomic-for-int-num) explains atomicity on x86, and what exactly the `lock` prefix does, and what would happen without it. – Peter Cordes Sep 13 '17 at 03:47

4 Answers4

  1. LOCK is not an instruction itself: it is an instruction prefix, which applies to the following instruction. That instruction must be something that does a read-modify-write on memory (INC, XCHG, CMPXCHG etc.) --- in this case it is the incl (%ecx) instruction which increments the long word at the address held in the ecx register.

    The LOCK prefix ensures that the CPU has exclusive ownership of the appropriate cache line for the duration of the operation, and provides certain additional ordering guarantees. This may be achieved by asserting a bus lock, but the CPU will avoid this where possible. If the bus is locked then it is only for the duration of the locked instruction.

  2. This code copies the address of the variable to be incremented off the stack into the ecx register, then it does lock incl (%ecx) to atomically increment that variable by 1. The next two instructions set the eax register (which holds the return value from the function) to 0 if the new value of the variable is 0, and 1 otherwise. The operation is an increment, not an add (hence the name).

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Anthony Williams
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  • So the instuction "mov $0,%eax" seems redundant? – gemfield Jan 18 '12 at 03:23
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    @gemfield: No, the `MOV` sets the all of `EAX` to zero. `SETNE` only changes the low byte. Without the `MOV`, the 3 high bytes of `EAX` would contain random leftover values from previous operations, so the return value would be incorrect. – Anthony Williams Jan 18 '12 at 07:34
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    In one of the Russia book "Assembler for DOS, Windows и Linux, 2000. Sergei Zukkov" author mentioned the following about this prefix: "In all the time of the command, provided with such a prefix, the data bus will be suspended, and if a system has a different processor, it can not access memory until the end of the command with the prefix LOCK. XCHG command automatically always performed with the memory access lock, even if the LOCK prefix is not specified. This prefix can be used only with commands ADD, ADC, AND, BTC, BTR, BTS, CMPXCHG, DEC, INC, NEG, NOT, OR, SBB, SUB, XOR, XADD and XCHG." – bruziuz Sep 12 '16 at 11:33
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    @bruziuz: modern CPUs are *much* more efficient: if the data for a `lock`ed instruction doesn't cross a cache line, a CPU core can just internally lock that cache line instead of blocking all loads/stores from all other cores. See also my answer on [Can num++ be atomic for 'int num'?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39393850/can-num-be-atomic-for-int-num) for more details of how this works to make it *appear* atomic to possible observers using the MESI cache-coherency protocol. – Peter Cordes Oct 31 '17 at 07:42
  • Thank you very much! Cool! :) – bruziuz Nov 01 '17 at 14:22

What you may be failing to understand is that the microcode required to increment a value requires that we read in the old value first.

The Lock keyword forces the multiple micro instructions that are actually occuring to appear to operate atomically.

If you had 2 threads each trying to increment the same variable, and they both read the same original value at the same time then they both increment to the same value, and they both write out the same value.

Instead of having the variable incremented twice, which is the typical expectation, you end up incrementing the variable once.

The lock keyword prevents this from happening.

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From google, I knew lock instruction will cause cpu lock the bus,but I don't know when cpu free the bus ?

LOCK is an instruction prefix, hence it only applies to the following instruction, the source doesn't make it very clear here but the real instruction is LOCK INC. So the Bus is locked for the increment, then unlocked

About the whole above code, I don't understand how these code implemented the Add?

They don't implement an Add, they implement an increment, along with a return indication if the old value was 0. An addition would use LOCK XADD (however, windows InterlockedIncrement/Decrement are also implement with LOCK XADD).

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  • Thanks! Then which register stores the value of function(q_atomic_increment)'s return value ? – gemfield Jan 17 '12 at 08:18
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    return values are stored in %eax – nos Jan 17 '12 at 08:59
  • So,the code: "return q_atomic_increment(&_q_value) != 0" is to test whether %eax is not equal to zero ? – gemfield Jan 17 '12 at 09:15
  • @gemfield: its zero'd, then the LSB is set via `SETNE` using the conditional flags from `INC`. – Necrolis Jan 17 '12 at 09:40
  • Is it whether the _old_ value was 0 or not that's returned in %eax (as the answer currently states), or the _new_ value? – Tom Nov 14 '15 at 10:50
  • @Tom it's the new value indeed. the inc set the zero flag according to the result of the inc and not according to the sources. see: https://c9x.me/x86/html/file_module_x86_id_140.html – pio Jul 16 '18 at 12:53
  • Locking the bus was done with 486/Pentium. This is very inefficient because is creates a huge contention point and this reduces performance of the system (Amdahl's law). That is why they switched to locking on a cache line level in most cases. For more information see: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/64-ia-32-architectures-software-developer-vol-3a-part-1-manual.html Section 8.1.4 – pveentjer May 08 '20 at 13:16

Minimal runnable C++ threads + LOCK inline assembly example


#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>

std::atomic_ulong my_atomic_ulong(0);
unsigned long my_non_atomic_ulong = 0;
unsigned long my_arch_atomic_ulong = 0;
unsigned long my_arch_non_atomic_ulong = 0;
size_t niters;

void threadMain() {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < niters; ++i) {
        __asm__ __volatile__ (
            "incq %0;"
            : "+m" (my_arch_non_atomic_ulong)
        __asm__ __volatile__ (
            "incq %0;"
            : "+m" (my_arch_atomic_ulong)

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    size_t nthreads;
    if (argc > 1) {
        nthreads = std::stoull(argv[1], NULL, 0);
    } else {
        nthreads = 2;
    if (argc > 2) {
        niters = std::stoull(argv[2], NULL, 0);
    } else {
        niters = 10000;
    std::vector<std::thread> threads(nthreads);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nthreads; ++i)
        threads[i] = std::thread(threadMain);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nthreads; ++i)
    assert(my_atomic_ulong.load() == nthreads * niters);
    assert(my_atomic_ulong == my_atomic_ulong.load());
    std::cout << "my_non_atomic_ulong " << my_non_atomic_ulong << std::endl;
    assert(my_arch_atomic_ulong == nthreads * niters);
    std::cout << "my_arch_non_atomic_ulong " << my_arch_non_atomic_ulong << std::endl;

GitHub upstream.

Compile and run:

g++ -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -o main.out main.cpp -pthread
./main.out 2 10000

Possible output:

my_non_atomic_ulong 15264
my_arch_non_atomic_ulong 15267

From this we see that the LOCK prefix made the addition atomic: without it we have race conditions on many of the adds, and the total count at the end is less than the synchronized 20000.

The LOCK prefix is used to implement:

See also: What does multicore assembly language look like?

Tested in Ubuntu 19.04 amd64.

  • What's the point of using `-O0`, and fencing the non-atomic increment with a full barrier (`lock inc`)? To prove that it's still broken even in the best-case scenario? You'd see many more lost counts if you let non-locked `inc` forward from the store buffer. – Peter Cordes Nov 17 '19 at 21:35
  • @PeterCordes `-O0`: hadn't put much thought into it, done by default for better debug, although I laster noticed that it does make it a bit easier to see the behavior i such a simple case because `-O3` optimizes loop to a single add. "and fencing the non-atomic increment with a full barrier": does LOCK also affect the non atomic variables on the above program? – Ciro Santilli新疆棉花TRUMP BAN BAD Nov 17 '19 at 23:17
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    `lock inc` is a full barrier, like `mfence`. You don't have 4 separate loops, you interleave increments. It doesn't make the other `inc` *atomic*, but it forces `inc`'s store to be globally visible before the next `inc`'s load, so yes it affects it significantly. If you don't want `-O3` to hoist out of the loop and do `+= N`, you can use `volatile`; constraining code-gen without giving any kind of atomicity is what `volatile` is for. – Peter Cordes Nov 17 '19 at 23:32