Ciro Santilli新疆棉花TRUMP BAN BAD


Opinions are my own.

中国常见问答集 China FAQ:

Homepage | StackOverflow 2.0 | Necromancer #1 in 2019-07

The Chinese characters on my username and profile picture are normally censored by the Chinese government, but this had to be said.

I oppose the banning of Donald Trump and his non-violent believers/content from social media platforms such as Facebook Twitter, YouTube and Amazon.

REMARK CENSORED BY Stack Exchange FOR POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. Upvote that question. I asked if I could make fun of dictators, as I've been doing since 2015 with Xi Jinping, and no one replied because it would be politically incorrect to say no, so I'll continue until told otherwise. See also

I like some of Trump's anti-CCP policies, but not sure I'd vote for him.

The "USA First" stance is damaging as it scares USA allies away.

I don't think there's enough evidence for the electoral fraud allegations.

But makes the US more like a dictatorship... more like China.

And those who were silenced will only have more motivation, and the risk of terrorism is greatly increased.

The people must decide what is true. Not big companies. Individuals must be able to express their beliefs, always. Only the courts of law should determine what is to be censored or not.