I am trying to flatten 3D array into 1D array for "chunk" system in my game. It's a 3D-block game and basically I want the chunk system to be almost identical to Minecraft's system (however, this isn't Minecraft clone by any measure). In my previous 2D-games I have accessed the flattened array with following algorithm:

Tiles[x + y * WIDTH]

However, this obviously doesn't work with 3D since it's missing the Z-axis. I have no idea how to implement this sort of algorithm in 3D-space. Width, height and depth are all constants (and width is just as large as height).

Is it just x + y*WIDTH + Z*DEPTH ? I am pretty bad with math and I am just beginning 3D-programming so I am pretty lost :|

PS. The reason for this is that I am looping and getting stuff by index from it quite a lot. I know that 1D arrays are faster than multi-dimensional arrays (for reasons I cant remember :P ). Even though this may not be necessary, I want as good performance as possible :)

Tom Zych
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10 Answers10


The algorithm is mostly the same. If you have a 3D array Original[HEIGHT, WIDTH, DEPTH] then you could turn it into Flat[HEIGHT * WIDTH * DEPTH] by

Flat[x + WIDTH * (y + DEPTH * z)] = Original[x, y, z]

As an aside, you should prefer arrays of arrays over multi-dimensional arrays in .NET. The performance differences are significant

Gideon Engelberth
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    Could you point to some source discussing the performance differences? Also, you shouldn't base your decisions just on performance. – svick Sep 09 '11 at 21:48
  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/597720/what-is-differences-between-multidimensional-array-and-array-of-arrays-in-c and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/468832/why-are-multi-dimensional-arrays-in-net-slower-than-normal-arrays – hatchet - done with SOverflow Sep 09 '11 at 22:07
  • @svick: Some sources can be seen in the links hatchet provided. My performance note was only an aside and not the main suggestion. Jagged arrays have nearly identical syntax (original[x][y][z]), but do take more work to initialize. However, the performance benefits can become quite noticeable (2-5x speedup) depending on the usage. – Gideon Engelberth Sep 10 '11 at 00:16
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    If HEIGHT corresponds to the Y dimension, it should be: `Flat[x + WIDTH * (y + HEIGHT * z)] = Original[x, y, z]` – Jonathan Lidbeck Sep 25 '13 at 05:01

Here is a solution in Java that gives you both:

  • from 3D to 1D
  • from 1D to 3D

Below is a graphical illustration of the path I chose to traverse the 3D matrix, the cells are numbered in their traversal order:

2 Examples of 3D matrices

Conversion functions:

public int to1D( int x, int y, int z ) {
    return (z * xMax * yMax) + (y * xMax) + x;

public int[] to3D( int idx ) {
    final int z = idx / (xMax * yMax);
    idx -= (z * xMax * yMax);
    final int y = idx / xMax;
    final int x = idx % xMax;
    return new int[]{ x, y, z };
Samuel Kerrien
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I think the above needs a little correction. Lets say you have a HEIGHT of 10, and a WIDTH of 90, single dimensional array will be 900. By the above logic, if you are at the last element on the array 9 + 89*89, obviously this is greater than 900. The correct algorithm is:

Flat[x + HEIGHT* (y + WIDTH* z)] = Original[x, y, z], assuming Original[HEIGHT,WIDTH,DEPTH] 

Ironically if you the HEIGHT>WIDTH you will not experience an overflow, just complete bonkers results ;)

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    I can't upvote or comment on the real correct answer, but Martin has it correct, the current selected answer is wrong. Essentially: data[x][y][z] = data[x + y*maxX + z*maxX*maxY] – jking Aug 24 '13 at 08:05
  • yep current answer is wrong, should be height not depth. took me too long to figure this out as its the first time ive actually used a wrong SO answer to code something >. – chilleo Apr 14 '16 at 23:16

x + y*WIDTH + Z*WIDTH*DEPTH. Visualize it as a rectangular solid: first you traverse along x, then each y is a "line" width steps long, and each z is a "plane" WIDTH*DEPTH steps in area.

Tom Zych
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You're almost there. You need to multiply Z by WIDTH and DEPTH:

Tiles[x + y*WIDTH + Z*WIDTH*DEPTH] = elements[x][y][z]; // or elements[x,y,z]
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The correct answer can be written various ways, but I like it best when it can be written in a way that is very easy to understand and visualize. Here is the exact answer:

(width * height * z) + (width * y) + x


Visualize it:

someNumberToRepresentZ + someNumberToRepresentY + someNumberToRepresentX

someNumberToRepresentZ indicates which matrix we are on (depth). To know which matrix we are on, we have to know how big each matrix is. A matrix is 2d sized as width * height, simple. The question to ask is "how many matrices are before the matrix I'm on?" The answer is z:

someNumberToRepresentZ = width * height * z

someNumberToRepresentY indicates which row we are on (height). To know which row we are on, we have to know how big each row is: Each row is 1d, sized as width. The question to ask is "how many rows are before the row I'm on?". The answer is y:

someNumberToRepresentY = width * y

someNumberToRepresentX indicates which column we are on (width). To know which column we are on we simply use x:

someNumberToRepresentX = x

Our visualization then of

someNumberToRepresentZ + someNumberToRepresentY + someNumberToRepresentX


(width * height * z) + (width * y) + x
Robert Plummer
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To better understand description of 3D array in 1D array would be ( I guess Depth in best answer is meant Y size)

IndexArray = x + y * InSizeX + z * InSizeX * InSizeY;

IndexArray = x + InSizeX * (y + z * InSizeY);
Evalds Urtans
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The forward and reverse transforms of Samuel Kerrien above are almost correct. A more concise (R-based) transformation maps are included below with an example (the "a %% b" is the modulo operator representing the remainder of the division of a by b):

dx=5; dy=6; dz=7  # dimensions
x1=1; y1=2; z1=3  # 3D point example
I = dx*dy*z1+dx*y1+x1; I  # corresponding 2D index
# [1] 101
x= I %% dx; x  # inverse transform recovering the x index
# [1] 1
y = ((I - x)/dx) %% dy; y  # inverse transform recovering the y index
# [1] 2
z= (I-x -dx*y)/(dx*dy); z  # inverse transform recovering the z index
# [1] 3

Mind the division (/) and module (%%) operators.

Joe Doe
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The correct Algorithm is:

Flat[ x * height * depth + y * depth + z ] = elements[x][y][z] 
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    Tested almost all other answers, only this one translates nested for-loops (x < width, y < height, z < depth) to arrays indexes from 0 to width * height * depth (ordered) – Kuba Chrabański Jan 09 '20 at 23:04

m[x][y][z] = data[xYZ + yZ + z]




summing up, it should be : targetX*YZ + targetY*Z + targetZ  
Faiq arif
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