
I’d like to simulate the moving agents in the continuous space for an epidemic model. Each pedestrian (agent) has an oval to represent the state.

The statechart consists of susceptible (green), exposed (yellow) and infectious state (red). They are differentiated by oval colour.

How should I model the transition between the susceptible and exposed, so that the susceptible agent would only change to exposed when the susceptible agent is contacted with the infectious agent (when green oval overlapped with red oval)?

I have tried by triggering the state using the “message” in Object type, just like the examples given by the AnyLogic "SIR Agent-Based Network", but it doesn’t work for it.

Would you have any suggestions? Which trigger factor should I choose and how to code it? Your response is highly appreciated. Thank you.

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  • Hi @aurora. This place works best for you if you ask very specific questions, show what you tried already and where you are stuck. Your question if far too broad and would need a full lecture to tell you all about it. I suggest you read up here to learn how to ask great questions: Use https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask and this article focussed on AnyLogic: https://www.benjamin-schumann.com/blog/2021/4/1/how-to-win-at-anylogic-on-stackoverflow Treat us as very busy colleagues that are happy to help. The more effort you put into your question, the more likely you will get a reply :) – Benjamin May 23 '21 at 09:15

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