I am trying to make a dynamic progress bar in my react project. I have a own js file with my progressbar and the way i am making the elements in the bar marked as finished is by adding a classname "active" to the list element in the progress bar file. This is done with functions declared in the progressbar file (see code). I also have a form with three different pages. The problem is when i go to page two and trying to mark the first part of the bar as finished i get the TypeError: Cannot read property 'classList' of null. I understand that it is because the getElementById is returning undefined but i cant understand why because i declare the Progressbar function at the start of every page in the form. My code:


import React from "react";
import "./Progressbar.css";

export const goForward = (name) => {
  var element = document.getElementById(name);
export const goBackward = (name) => {
  var element = document.getElementById(name);

function Progressbar() {
  return (
      <ul className="progressBar">
        <li id="step1">Project</li>
        <li id="step2">Part</li>
        <li id="step3">Profile</li>

export default Progressbar;

Start of second form page:

import Progressbar from "./Progressbar";
import { goForward, goBackward } from "./Progressbar";
return (
      <Progressbar />
  • Why are you using DOM look ups in react? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41819342/how-to-hide-and-show-a-div-in-react – epascarello Feb 04 '21 at 16:33

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