I have a Laravel application using API token authentication. By default, the user needs to pass the api_token parameter as part of the URL, but I want to change api_token to a custom name parameter like api_key.

Currently the full URL looks like:


however I want it to look like following:




My API routes are using a middleware called auth:api, but I am unable to find this middleware to try and change its configuration.

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2 Answers2


It's been a while since I've done it, but I believe that the auth.guards.api.input_key settings will allow you to specify it. So your auth.php would look partly like this:


return [
    "guards" => [
        "api" => [
            "driver" => "token",
            "provider" => "users",         // the database table
            "storage_key" => "api_token",  // the database column
            "input_key" => "api_key",      // the query string component
            "hash" => true,
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you can simply create your own middleware

public function handle($request, Closure $next)
    $token = request('key'); //it can be anything 
    if ($token != 'abc') { // this value can be static or can be get from database
        return response([
            'error' => 2,
            'message' => ["Access Denied"]
    return $next($request);

here you can match with token and allow them certain request

NOTE: it will work on url paramter not headers token for header you need to get token from header

Kamlesh Paul
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