I want to simplify the following

@if (Template != null)
    <span>No contents!</span>

with either ?? or ?.

Is it possible?


My attempts below

  • @Template?.BeginInvoke()
  • @{Template==null? @Template : <span> No data to display! </span>}
  • @(Template??<span> No data to display! </span>)

produce red squiggly lines.


I think I need to submit the real scenario that I want to simplify.

@typeparam T

@if (Items == null)
    if (NullTemplate != null)
        <span style="color: red">Null...</span>
else if (Items.Count == 0)
    if (EmptyTemplate != null)
        <span style="color: red">Empty ...</span>

    foreach (T item in Items)


    [Parameter] public RenderFragment NullTemplate { get; set; }
    [Parameter] public RenderFragment EmptyTemplate { get; set; }
    [Parameter] public RenderFragment HeaderTemplate { get; set; }
    [Parameter] public RenderFragment<T> ItemTemplate { get; set; }
    [Parameter] public List<T> Items { get; set; }

I don't want to buffer the incoming values to ****Template properties with private fields, pre-process the fields before rendering them (the fields) to HTML. In other words, no additional code in @code{} directive are allowed.

1 Answers1


It could work (I think) when you store the <span style="color: red">Null...</span> parts as RenderFragments. Would that be acceptable?

That would move this logic to the constructor or the SetParameters method.

[Parameter] public RenderFragment NullTemplate { get; set; } = builder => StubTemplate(builder, "Null");
[Parameter] public RenderFragment EmptyTemplate { get; set; } = builder => StubTemplate(builder, "Empty");

private static void StubTemplate(RenderTreeBuilder __builder, string what)
    <span style="color: red">@what</span>

Note that the __builder name is required.
And then you don't need any conditional code in the main component anymore:

@if (Items == null)

Alternatively, you can omit the property initialization and do :

 @(EmptyTemplate ?? (builder => StubTemplate(builder, "Empty")))

but I would get dizzy of all the ().

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