
I'm trying to learn reactive programming. I'm simulating the change of a boolean variable in time. The idea is that, I wouldn't know when it is going to change, but I want the app to execute a console.log saying that the variable is true, each time it changes from false to true. I did this:

let x = false

   x = !x;
 }, 3000);

I can't figure out the approach to tell the app to be watching at the x variable's state and a fire console.log("now it's true") each time x == true.

What could be the simplest way to achieve it? I think I could do it using observables, however, I'm kind of stuck.

Thank you for your help.

Julio Rodriguez
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3 Answers3


I'm new with reactive programming as well.

I'd say you are correct to use the observable. Instead of your setInterval just setting x = !x, have it do something like this

e.g. I did not run it.

private xSubject = new ReplaySubject<any> (bufferSize:1);
private xReadySubject: Observable<any> = this.xSubject.asObservable();

// In the setInterval 

xReadySubject.subscribe(argX => {
 console.log("Value of x: " + argX
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First of all, you should understand that no one uses "reactive programming" by writing it in pure js :) There are a lot of libraries, for example React, Vue, Angular, which implement reactivity.

There are base approaches on which, I think so, every reactivity implementation in JS is built on:

  • make a wrapper, for example like this:
  const obj = {
    x: true,
    setX(value) {
      this.x = value;
      // You can track x value here


  • using getters and setters from es5 specification, here is an example:
const obj = {
  _x: 5,
  get x() {
    return this._x;
  set x(value) {
    this._x = value;
    // You can track x value here

obj.x = 6;
  • could you provide me an example working snippet, please? – Julio Rodriguez Apr 11 '20 at 02:42
  • What did you mean? In my answer I already did it. You could paste this fragments of code in any JS playground and see the result :) If you want example to proxy, well on mdn they are exists. If you want to become a real skill programmer you should advance your skill in working with any kind of documentation. – Николай Гольцев Apr 11 '20 at 08:21

I found it is working

let x = false

   x = !x;
 }, 1000);
Mohammad Ali Rony
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