Mohammad Ali Rony


Hi! I am a .NET / C# software developer.

I am Mohammad Ali Rony; I have over 7 years of full-stack software development experience, from back-end services to front-end single page applications.

In these 7 years, I have built a lot of web applications (ASP.NET MVC, Node JS) and back-end services. In addition, I have experience in database design. Currently, I am working on getting a deeper knowledge of front-end technologies like Angular 2.

As a specialist in .NET and JavaScript, I always try maintaining highest standards of coding and regularly refresh my skills to ensure that I keep up with the ongoing development trends. I am also aware of the main software development principles, like SOLID. I love to create business solutions, not just code some scripts. Using leading industry methodologies to create clean, robust, bug-free, well-documented and easy-to-maintain code.

Technical Skills

Languages: C#, JavaScript, PHP

Web Technologies: MVC, Web API, Node.JS, WordPress, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, AngularJS, Angular and jQuery.

Databases: MSSQL, Redis,MySQL Flat files (CSV, XML)

Data access and ORM: Entity Framework

IDE: Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code

Source Control: TFS, GIT

Concepts: Object Oriented Programming (OOP), OOD, RDBMS, ORM, MVC and N-tier architecture.