I'm trying to get a Mono development environment set up on a Windows box. Basic install was dead simple, but I'd like to get the VB.NET compiler set up. Only problem is, there doesn't seem to be an installer for it. The official page on VB.NET support implies that there should be, but there isn't; it hasn't been incorporated into the main installer, either. I can download the source package from the mono-basic Github, but since the compiler is self-hosting, that just leaves me in a catch-22 situation where I need the compiler to compile the compiler... :/ On top of which, it doesn't look like the compiler code has been touched in a couple years...is this still supported? Is there any way to get it set up apart from doing a build from source on a machine with the official VS toolchain (or a Linux box with the package installed from a repository) and then copying it over?

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  • The compiler for Visual Basic.net is included in with Visual Studio. Have you installed Visual Studio? There is a free version for individual developers called Community. – Mary Apr 09 '20 at 17:38
  • Maybe this link will help. https://www.mono-project.com/docs/database-access/ – Mary Apr 09 '20 at 17:44
  • Yeah, that's kind of what I figured I'd end up having to do. Just very odd to me that they'd have a self-hosting compiler but neither include it nor provide the separate installer package they apparently used to have... – commodorejohn Apr 09 '20 at 18:00
  • Orrrr.. you could write vb.net apps in visual studio on windows, compile them and run the resulting exes in mono on linux? – Caius Jard Apr 09 '20 at 18:05
  • Also an option, but I'd prefer to avoid VS altogether if I can, since it's such a pig. – commodorejohn Apr 09 '20 at 18:34
  • I get the impression, from [.NET Core vs Mono](https://stackoverflow.com/q/37738106/1115360), that .NET Core (soon to be just .NET) is the way to go now, not Mono. – Andrew Morton Apr 10 '20 at 15:39

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