I'm learning C++ and especially OO Programming.

My program use pointers to deal with Dynamic memory allocation.

While creating my default constructor, I was boring about repeat myself with

myInt = new int;
myOtherInt = new int; 


So my question is : is there a way to write something like :

myInt, myOtherInt = new int;

Here's my constructor code :

Annonce::Annonce(string Titre, long double Prix, string Intro, string Description, vector<vector<string>> ImgUrls) {

    titre = new string;
    intro = new string;
    description = new string;
    imgUrls = new vector<vector<string>>;
    prix = new long double;

    id = new size_t;
    *id = nbAnnonces;

    *titre = std::move(Titre);
    *prix = Prix;
    *intro = std::move(Intro);
    *description = std::move(Description);
    *imgUrls = std::move(ImgUrls);

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    "My program use pointers to deal with Dynamic memory allocation." does it have to? Instead of your class consisting of `std::string *` and `std::vector <>*`, can it just hold `std::string` and `std::vector`? These objects handle dynamic memory allocation themselves, so we don't have to. – JohnFilleau Feb 25 '20 at 20:57
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    I'm 99.9% certain you don't need those pointers. Have a look at this for how a constructor should look: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1711990/what-is-this-weird-colon-member-syntax-in-the-constructor – NathanOliver Feb 25 '20 at 20:58
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    `myInt = new int;` should be something you almost never do. Same with `intro = new string;` – drescherjm Feb 25 '20 at 21:00
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    You should almost never use `new` directly (except potentially as argument to e.g. `std::shared_ptr` or `std::unique_ptr` members). The examples you are showing here in particular are clearly wrong. See [Why should C++ programmers minimize use of 'new'?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6500313/why-should-c-programmers-minimize-use-of-new). If your instructional material taught you to write C++ like this, then I suggest you stop using that material and look at one of the [recommended C++ books](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list) instead. – walnut Feb 25 '20 at 21:01
  • No `myInt, myOtherInt = new int;` won't work. Look up what the comma operator does because it does not do what you would want. – drescherjm Feb 25 '20 at 21:03
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    C++ is not Java. `new` may be routine in Java, but it should be avoided or minimized in C++, for reasons that walnut pointed to. – jjramsey Feb 25 '20 at 21:05
  • @John no it does not i’m learning and so I write this only for learning pointers and be fine with them. – Laurent Feb 25 '20 at 21:11
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    @Laurent while it's certainly something you CAN be learning, one of the features of C++ is how rarely you need to work with dynamic memory allocation. To answer your question, I'd steer away from a faster way to write "new string" over and over again at the very least so it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. – JohnFilleau Feb 25 '20 at 21:13
  • @NathanOliver the same I answer for John it's just learning how pointers works and I actually don't need them; – Laurent Feb 25 '20 at 21:19
  • @walnut Thanks a lot for the links it's very helpfull. I was learning on Udemy and with Bjarne Stourstrup book. – Laurent Feb 25 '20 at 21:19
  • Learn about the rule of 3 / 5 / 0. If you are using pointers in your classes you will need to follow the rule of 3 or 5 instead of the rule of 0. [https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/rule_of_three](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/rule_of_three) – drescherjm Feb 26 '20 at 12:21

3 Answers3


There is no shortcut for allocating multiple variables from dynamic memory.

The functions for allocating memory return a single memory address (pointer). Each variable should have its own, unique, location in memory.

The syntax of the C++ language would need to change in order to support the dynamic memory functions returning multiple addresses (pointers).

One recommendation is to reduce the quantity of memory allocations. Ask yourself, "Do I really need to allocate from dynamic memory?" before allocating from dynamic memory.

Thomas Matthews
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Is there a way to write something like :

myInt, myOtherInt = new int;

Yes, two ways. But the first is more general than what you specifically asked for...

1. Prefer value-types over reference-types

If you don't know what these are: Value types and Reference Types (Wikipedia).

In some programming languages, almost all of your variables, function parameters, class fields, etc - are references. A prominent example of this is Java. But in C++ - especially these days - we prefer values to references unless there's a good reason not to use values directly. Value semantics are commonly used and well-supported in the language, and most work with them is easier. See also:

Why are pointers not recommended when coding with C++11

Specifically, that means that, when defining a struct or a class, we'll give it non-pointer members. In your case:

class Announcement {
    using url_type = std::string; // perhaps use a URL library?
    using image_urls_container_type = std::unoredered_set<url_type>;
        // I'm guessing the URLs aren't really ordered

    std::string title;
    std::string introduction;
    std::string description;
    std::vector<image_urls_container_type> image_urls;
        // Are the images really a sequence of indices? Shouldn't this be something like
        // std::unordered_map<image_id_type,image_urls_container_type> image_urls ?
    long double prize;
    std::size_t id;

    Announcement() = delete;
    // constructors here, if you like

Now, I'm not saying this is necessarily the best possible definition or that it fits all your needs. But if you define it this way, you get:

  • No need to use new, ever.
  • No need to delete anything.
  • No chance of memory leaks (due to this class)

2. Otherwise, use std::unique_ptr's

The std::unique_ptr<T> class lets you avoid having to manage memory yourself - it takes care of that. So if you make your members std::unique_ptr's, you can initialize the value they point to using get(), e.g.:

void foo(int x) {
    auto p = std::make_unique<p>();
    p.get() = x;
    // do stuff with p

    // ...

    // no need to delete p at the end of the function
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First Pre Answer Suggestion: don't do it.

Second Pre Answer Suggestion: avoid self-managed memory allocation/deallocation and use STL containers and/or smart pointers (std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr, etc.) instead

Answer: no, as far I know you can't write something as

int * myInt, myOtherInt = new int;

that allocate both variables (with different allocated pointers).

But you can wrap the pointers in a class or struct that automatically allocate the contained pointer (and, maybe, destroy it in the destructor).

Just for fun... if you write a wrapper as follows

template <typename T>
struct wrappPnt
   T * pnt = new T{};

   T & operator * ()
    { return *pnt; }

   T const & operator * () const
    { return *pnt; }

   ~wrappPnt ()
    { delete pnt; }

you can write your Annonce this way

struct Annonce
   wrappPnt<std::string>  titre, intro, description;
   wrappPnt<std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>> imgUrls;
   wrappPnt<long double>  prix;

   Annonce (std::string Titre, long double Prix, std::string Intro,
            std::string Description,
            std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> ImgUrls)
      *titre = std::move(Titre);
      *prix = Prix;
      *intro = std::move(Intro);
      *description = std::move(Description);
      *imgUrls = std::move(ImgUrls);

First Post Answer Suggestion: don't do it.

Second Post Answer Suggestion: avoid self-managed memory allocation/deallocation and use STL containers and/or smart pointers (std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr, etc.) instead

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