

John Filleau, (mostly) humble dork just trying to make a dent in the world

About Me

Developing developer (I think that was clever) trying to get good at one thing (C++) so they can sit pretty, do cool stuff, and learn new things at their leisure. I answer questions on here because I like helping people get up to the level I am, and because one of the best ways to learn is to teach.

My uncommon life journey has made me appreciate people from many backgrounds, regions, countries, and beliefs. There are beliefs I will not tolerate, and I hope those are obvious.

I like social justice, being in awe at how eerie it is to enter a park in the middle of a major city and feel transported a hundred miles away, and sugar (too much sugar).

Learning C++? Read this

Q: I have this problem involving arrays and dynamic memory allocation, how do I...

A: Use std::vector

Q: I can't, I'm not allowed to. This is for class.

A: Your class is setting you up for failure. They should be teaching you how to use std::vector and std::string. If you're not allowed to use std::vector, write your own my::vector. It doesn't need to be complicated.

Q: Why does my program crash when I pass my MyClass object by value / copy construct it / assign it

A: Because you're not using std::vector and you're not following RAII (yes it's a horrible name and doesn't even form a clever initialization).

Q: I don't want to use std::vector because it's too easy / I want to learn how to do my own memory management.

A: If you don't want to use std::vector then write your own my::vector.

Required reading for C++ newbies

How to debug small programs

Required watching for C++ newbies

CppCon 2015: Kate Gregory “Stop Teaching C"