When you use the Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) API to validate a user's credentials, the server ends up with a security context handle.

You can then use the QueryContextAttributes function to query for information about the security context handle:

  • QueryContextAttributes(handle,SECPKG_ATTR_LIFESPAN)
    • tsStart: Time at which the context was established.
    • tsExpiry: Time at which the context will expire.
  • QueryContextAttributes(handle,SECPKG_ATTR_AUTHORITY)
    • sAuthorityName: the name of the authenticating authority, if available.
  • QueryContextAttributes(handle,SECPKG_ATTR_PASSWORD_EXPIRY)
    • tsPasswordExpires: when the credentials for the security context expire.
  • QueryContextAttributes(handle,SECPKG_ATTR_PACKAGE_INFO)
    • Name: the name of the security package.
    • Comment: This can be any additional string passed back by the package.
  • QueryContextAttributes(handle,SECPKG_ATTR_NATIVE_NAMES)
    • sClientName: the principal name for the client in the outbound ticket.
    • sServerName: the principal name for the server in the outbound ticket
  • QueryContextAttributes(handle,SECPKG_ATTR_CLIENT_SPECIFIED_TARGET)
    • sTargetName: The SPN of the initial target.

When i use SSPI to validate my credentials, the server gets a set of information about me, one of the items fails:

  • Context Handle: 0x04CC9F4000AC8B80
  • Username: STACKOVERFLOW\ian
  • Native Client Name: ian@STACKOVERFLOW.COM
  • Native Server Name: ian@STACKOVERFLOW.COM
  • User SID: S-1-5-21-1708537768-844245398-2146844275-1109
  • Client Specified Target: ian
  • Authority: The function requested is not supported (80090302)
  • Password Expires (UTC):
  • Lifespan Start: 10/23/2019 11:03 ᴀᴍ
  • Lifespan Expiry: 10/23/2019 7:32 ᴘᴍ
  • Package Name: Kerberos
  • Package Comment: Microsoft Kerberos V1.0
  • Package Capabilities: 0x028F3BBF
  • Package Version: 0001
  • Package Rpc ID: 0010
  • Package Max Token Length: 48000

Credential authority

I want to know the authority who validated (or vouched for the cached) credentials.

Except calling QueryContextAttributes (and QueryContextAttributesEx) with SECPKG_ATTR_AUTHORITY fails with the error:

// MessageText:
//  The function requested is not supported


What's doing?

I can find it using the command line:



But i'm using APIs.

Background: How SSPI works

SSPI was designed as a generic wrapper around different security algorithms. The way to use the API is pretty simple:

  • Client:
    • calls InitializeSecurityContext and is given a blob
    • client sends that blob to the server
  • Server:
    • calls AcceptSecurityContext(blob), and is given a blob back
    • server sends that blob back to the client
  • Client:
    • calls InitializeSecurityContext(blob), and is given back a blob
    • client sends that blob back to the server
  • Server:
    • calls AcceptSecurityContext(blob), and is given a blob back
    • ...keep repeating until told to stop...

Both sides keep going back and forth, until the function stops returning a blob that needs to be sent to the other side:

enter image description here

And so the with SSPI you do this ping-ponging back and forth until you're told to stop. And so they were able to shoe-horn every authentication scheme into that ping-pong-until-told-to-stop high level abstraction.

And how do you transmit the blobs?

You transmit the blobs over whatever communication channel you're using.

If you're talking to a remote server over TCP/IP, then you'd probably use that:

// Open connection to server
sockConnect(, 1433);

blob = null;

Boolean bContinue = InitializeSecurityContext(ref blob);

while (bContinue)
   sockWrite(blob); //send the blob to the server

   blob = sockRead(); //wait for the server to return a blob 

   bContinue = InitializeSecurityContext(ref blob);

If you're doing it over http:

blob = null;
Boolean bContinue = InitializeSecurityContext(ref blob);

while (bContinue)
    http = new HttpRequest("http://4chan.org/default.aspx");
    http.AddHeader("X-SSPI-Blob", blob.ToBase64());

    blob = http.ReasponseHeader["X-SSPI-Blob"];
    if (blob.IsEmpty())

    bContinue = InitializeSecurityContext(ref blob);

You can even send them over carrier pigeon!

Bonus Reading

SSPI is the name of the Windows implementation of RFC4121

Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API)

Bonus Bonus

Ian Boyd
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  • [`QueryContextAttributes`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/sspi/nf-sspi-querycontextattributesa) does not support `SECPKG_ATTR_AUTHORITY` attribute, result in parameter invalid error for me. And [`QueryContextAttributesEx`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/sspi/nf-sspi-querycontextattributesexa) result in link error for me. It seems it is missed in `Secur32.lib`. So could you show a reproducible demo and steps? I test on Windows 10 1903. – Rita Han Oct 24 '19 at 07:40
  • @RitaHan-MSFT The link failure would make sense if you're using C/C++; the SDK .lib files are incorrect. Be sure you loading SspiCli.dll, and the exported QueryContextAttributesExW (or Ansi equivalent) function. But i wouldn't work too hard: `QueryContextAttributesEx` also fails. – Ian Boyd Oct 24 '19 at 17:34
  • Thanks for guiding me to find the way. Yes, I reproduced this issue.(error 0x80090302) I'll consult the related engineer for this issue and update here ASAP. – Rita Han Oct 25 '19 at 01:27
  • BTW, what's your Windows version? – Rita Han Oct 25 '19 at 01:32
  • @RitaHan-MSFT `>ver`: `Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.418]` – Ian Boyd Oct 25 '19 at 14:48
  • @RitaHan-MSFT So, how's that consultation with the related engineer going? Did they have any ideas in the last 3 months? – Ian Boyd Jan 14 '20 at 15:20
  • Sorry for the delay. They are working on this and will update to you at first time if there is any result. – Rita Han Jan 15 '20 at 01:35

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