I am trying to create web based system using pyjamas and hangs on one functionality. The functionality is, to click a button and it should run some python programs in back-end. I have to display the logs generated by back-end python program in the same page(where the clicked button is). I really appreciate your help guys!!!

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1 Answers1


There is a tutorial on how to use Pyjamas with AJAX on this page of of Pyjamas book.

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  • Thanks @farfromhome, i read that article but frankly its not explained in a way it should be. So i googled again, read different articles and what helped me to understand things clearly is [this](http://code.google.com/p/pyjamas/wiki/JSONRpcWithApacheModPython), and [this](http://groups.google.com/group/pyjamas-dev/browse_thread/thread/2ddce43c99c54b57). – vicky Feb 03 '11 at 05:26
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    Then, by Stack Overflow custom, you ought to put that in a new answer yourself and select it as the right one, to let people know that you've figured it out by yourself. :) – farfromhome Feb 03 '11 at 05:35
  • Sorry for very very long delayed answer:) I had added the solution to my blog http://pymantra.pythonblogs.com/90_pymantra/archive/531_pyjamas-run_python_script_onclick_of_button.html – vicky Jun 06 '13 at 10:09