Questions tagged [pyjamas]

Pyjamas is a port of Google Web Toolkit to Python, featuring a Python debugging environment and desktop deployment option, and compilation to JavaScript for web/device deployment.

Pyjamas implements the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) widgets (V1.0 at the moment) as Python (2.5 or 2.6 for now) objects. These objects may be run inside the Pyjamas desktop (Pyjd), or compiled to JavaScript (through Pyjs, the Python-to-JavaScript compiler, part of the Pyjamas project) for deployment on the web and/or devices.

Support for developers is available through the Pyjamas developer mail list, which is subscribed/unsubscribed only through email:


    • Send to this address to unsubscribe from the list.

    • Send to this address to receive no mail from the list. You will still be subscribed (and can use the web interface to post messages).

    • Send to this re-enable mail receipt from the list.

Note that read-only access to the mail list is available through Google Groups.

Developers on the mail list have recently described plans to move to the current version of GWT, and include tools for deployment.

48 questions
3 answers

HTML5 Offline storage web framework

I am looking for a web app framework which can automatically generate an HTML5 offline storage based app, so while the users become disconnected they still can view the data which normally is stored on a server Also currently I am using Django and…
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Pyjamas framework significance

I am learning Pyjamas framework of python to generate the frontend which is basically a javascript code generated by Pyjamas. Though, being a new concept and a GWT equivalent in python I am interested in learning it, but I can not really find out…
Ankit Jaiswal
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What are the advantages/disadvantages of using Jython/IronPython/Pyjamas?

EDIT Okay, rookie here so please bear with me. What I'm trying to ask is the following: Is it plausible for a Python-syntax fan to use one of these options while other team members "plain vanilla" version? Is it a matter of personal preference,…
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About pyjamas maturity vs GWT maturity (with short dead lines) for a web application

I love both, python and Java and I have this first 'serious' web application project that I would like to carry out. I find it hard to choose between pyjamas + django and GWT + Hibernate. In fact, from my beginner point of view, it seems like the…
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Which simple python based WSGI compatible jsonrpc library to use in server side for 'pyjamas'?

Recently, I came across pyjamas framework. It encourages radically different web application development approach by seperating the whole 'view' component of 'MVC' into some html + javascript (generated with compiled python), instead of using…
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Debugging pyjamas python code

I am using pyjamas to develop a web page. I write python code which is translated to javascript by pyjamas. This way debugging programming error is caught only when testing the web page. It would be much more efficient if we can run the code first…
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Pyjamas & JavaScript: Too much recursion

I'm doing a Pyjamas example and get this error: TodoApp InternalError: too much recursion Here is the significant portion of from the linked tutorial (please ignore indentation from the copy/paste): class TodoApp: def…
Matt Norris
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Some basic questions about Django, Pyjamas and Clean URLs

I am farily new to the topic, but I am trying to combine both Django and Pyjamas. What would be the smart way to combine the two? I am not asking about communication, but rather about the logical part. Should I just put all the Pyjamas generated JS…
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Pyjamas + Django => CSRF confusion, 403 errors

I've got Pyjamas and Django running via Apache2 with mod_wsgi on Windows 7. I do not believe I'm getting issues from the setups of these things, though: the only thing that is not working is trying to POST information from Pyjamas-generated forms.…
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Integrating Pyjamas with Pinax+Django?

I'm going to start looking into this tomorrow when I begin my project, but could anyone point me in the right direction? (Maybe some integration code and/or a sample Pyjamas interface which uses Pinax as the backend -- all with adequate explanation,…
Ryan Lester
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Getting scipy working with Pyjamas

I am trying to get scipy working with pyjamas. I have a python script that I am trying to convert to javascipt: import scipy print scipy.zeros(2) However when I load it up in a browser it says this: ImportError: No module named scipy, scipy in…
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How to translate python code to javascript with PYJS

Hi I have some code in python that I need to rewrite in Javascript. There are a few math functions and instead of reinventing the wheel I would like to see how pyjs converts them. I have had a look at the pyjs setup and documentation but it is aimed…
1 answer

converting python script into javascript code using Pyjs

I am trying to convert python script into a javascript code using the Pyjs. I have taken look at the Pyjs documentation, but I am still not quite sure how to make it happen...can someone guide me through? thank you,
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Is there something like Qt Designer for the web on Linux?

I'm very used to using Qt Designer to design GUIs, and I would like to be able to use something similar on a Python project I'm working on that I'd like to create a web interface for, but I find that a similar tool seems to be no where to be…
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1 answer

Python to JavaScript for iPhone

Have a webapplication with backend developed on python ( running on Django) and front end on HTML5 & javascript. Python generated data is passed on to JavaScript/HTML using JSON. Now, I would like to make it a mobile application, iPhone app to begin…
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