I am trying to write a code for computing the Mean Average Precision (MAP) for multi-label data. To give a more intuitive understanding kindly please look below

enter image description here

I have written the code for the MAP computation in MATLAB but it is quite slow. Essentially it is slow due to the computation of the variable Lrx for each value of r.

I wanted to make my code much faster.

function [map] = map_at_R(sim_x,L_tr,L_te)

%sim_x(i,j) denote the sim bewteen query j and database i
tn = size(sim_x,2);
APx = zeros(tn,1);
R = 100;

for i = 1 : tn    
    Px = zeros(R,1);
    deltax = zeros(R,1);
    label = L_te(i,:);
    [~,inxx] = sort(sim_x(:,i),'descend');

    % compute Lx - the denominator in the map calculation
    % Lx = 1 if the retrieved item has the same label with the query or
    % shares atleast one label else Lx = 0
    search_set = L_tr(inxx(1:R),:);

    for r = 1 : R        
        Lrx = sum(diag(repmat(label,r,1)*search_set(1:r,:).')>0);

%         Lrx = 0;
%         for j=1:r
%             if sum(label*(search_set(j,:)).')>0
%                 Lrx = Lrx+1;
%             end
%         end        

        if sum(label*(search_set(r,:)).')>0
            deltax(r) = 1;

        Px(r) = Lrx/r;
    Lx = sum(deltax);
    if Lx ~=0
        APx(i) = sum(Px.*deltax)/Lx;
map = mean(APx);

The input to the code is this :

% sim_x = similarity score matrix or distance matrix
sim_x = gallery_data_size X probe_data_size 

% L_tr = labels of the gallery set
L_tr = gallery_data_size X c

% L_te = labels of the probe set
L_te = probe_data_size X c

% where c is the number of classes
% please note that the data is multi-label

Is it possible to make the code even faster? I am unable to figure it out myself.

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  • can you vectorize the other loops too? you might be able to trade memory for speed. – felix the cat Dec 28 '17 at 10:13
  • @felixthecat I would need your help for that. There are essentially two loops. I do not know how to vectorize the outer loop. Even vectorizing the inner loop should help. Can you help me on that ? – roni Dec 28 '17 at 12:32
  • sorry @roni, I do not have time to write this code. I would need to try it out myself with some data. But another thing, that you might want to look into: the labels are boolean vectors, right? if this is so, maybe you can also gain some speed by replacing `sum()` and other arithmetic operations by locical operations `and()`, `or()` etc. – felix the cat Dec 28 '17 at 15:06

1 Answers1


With the delta function APx(i) = sum(Px.*deltax)/Lx you are throwing away some proportion of your r = 1:R iterations. Since the delta can be defined before the loop, why not only iterate through r where deltax(r) == 1.

% r_range is equivalent to find(deltax(r) == 1);
%Edit 1/4 %Previously :: r_range = find(sum(label*(search_set(1:R,:)).')>0);
% Multiply each row by label
mult = bsxfun(@times,(search_set(1:R,:)),label);
% Sum each row 
r_range = find(sum(mult,2)>0);
% r_range @ i should equal find(deltax) @ i

Px = zeros(numel(r_range,1);

for r = r_range
    Lrx = sum(diag(repmat(label,r,1)*search_set(1:r,:).')>0);
    Px(r == r_range) = Lrx/r;

Lx = numel(r_range);
if Lx ~=0
    APx(i) = sum(Px)/Lx;
Brendan Frick
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  • Hi I checked your code but the results are not matching. Maybe there is a bug ? – roni Jan 04 '18 at 16:29
  • `r_range` needs to be the same as `find(deltax)` in the original code (when you check, make sure `i` is consistent). If they are not the same, you need to adjust `r_range = ...` so that `sum` and `label*` collapse across the second dimension of `search_set` – Brendan Frick Jan 04 '18 at 16:53