Questions tagged [metric]

Quoting Wikipedia:

In mathematics, a metric or distance function is a function that defines a distance between each pair of elements of a set. A set with a metric is called a metric space. A metric induces a topology on a set, but not all topologies can be generated by a metric. A topological space whose topology can be described by a metric is called metrizable.

is used in any kind of question related to compute, define, choose a metric, and such.

136 questions
13 answers

Find the similarity metric between two strings

How do I get the probability of a string being similar to another string in Python? I want to get a decimal value like 0.9 (meaning 90%) etc. Preferably with standard Python and library. e.g. similar("Apple","Appel") #would have a high…
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24 answers

How can you measure your skills as a programmer?

At a previous interview I have been asked the question: 'From 0 to 10, how do you rate yourself as a programmer?' I found it a very hard question to answer as I am not aware of a metric to measure how good my skills are. Moreover, knowing how well…
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1 answer

log loss output is greater than 1

I prepared several models for binary classification of documents in the fraud field. I calculated the log loss for all models. I thought it was essentially measuring the confidence of the predictions and that log loss should be in the range of…
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2 answers

Finite Metric Embeddings: Good Algorithm?

I have a finite metric space given as a (symmetric) k by k distance matrix. I would like an algorithm to (approximately) isometrically embed this in euclidean space R^(k-1). While it is not always possible to do exactly by solving the system of…
Anthony Bak
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4 answers

How to get the user preferred units? (metric (meters) or imperial (miles))?

I would like to know what are the user-preferred units between miles and meters. It seems that the "Locale" class doesn't allow that.
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5 answers

Equal Error Rate in Python

Could anybody tell me how could I compute Equal Error Rate(EER) from ROC Curve in python? In scikit-learn there is method to compute roc curve and auc but could not find the method to compute EER. from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve,…
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2 answers

Getting "People talking about this" metric (PTAT)

I'm using the facebook api to pull some metrics, I want to get the "talking about this" metric, I reviewd the "Stories and People talking about this" from the facebook api and I'm pulling the "page_storytellers" metric, but I see that the number…
2 answers

Can I define an EC2 auto scale group with scaling policies without adding alarms to CloudWatch dashboard?

I followed the instructions on in order to have a CPUUtilization based auto scale group. i noticed that the alarms created by mon-put-metric-alarm create…
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4 answers

Image sharpness metric

Is there some robust metric of image sharpness or bluriness? I have various set of images with different parameters of saturation and captured from different optical systems, and i heed to show user something like "quality" of focusing. For getting…
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3 answers

Why is the logloss negative?

I just applied the log loss in sklearn for logistic regression: My code looks something like this: def perform_cv(clf, X, Y, scoring): kf = KFold(X.shape[0],…
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2 answers

Keras - Loss and Metric calculated differently?

I have a model in Keras which I'm optimizing the mean squared error. However, if I use the same code as in from Keras in the metric, I get a different result. Why is this? As a metric: def MSE_metric(y_true, y_pred): return…
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4 answers

Is there a way to determine the ideal number of threads?

I am doing a webcrawler and using threads to download pages. The first limiting factor to the performance of my program is the bandwidth, I can never download more pages that it can get. The second thing is what I interested. I am using threads to…
Renato Dinhani
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1 answer

Visualizing a single string of text in Kibana

In Kibana, I have an index that looks like as follows type (String) value (String) timestamp (Date) I would like to have a visualization that shows the most recent value field where the type is equal to "battery", for example. I would like the…
1 answer

Simple metric for difference of color in OpenCV?

I have two cv::Scalar objects and I want to calculate the color difference. I came up with this code: cv::Scalar a(255, 128, 255); // color 1 cv::Scalar b(100, 100, 100); // color 2 cv::Scalar d = b - a; double distance = sqrtl(d[0]*d[0] +…
Daniel S.
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8 answers

fast similarity detection

I have a large collection of objects and I need to figure out the similarities between them. To be exact: given two objects I can compute their dissimilarity as a number, a metric - higher values mean less similarity and 0 means the objects have…
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