Let's imagine a standard situation.

Having the current DB schema in a working state, I would like to create a snapshot of this state of schema objects, name it SNAP_1.

Then if updated schema and got problems (bugs or unstable work of new code) it would be good to switch quickly - in one command - the whole schema code back to SNAP_1.

I'm wondering is there any built-in feature of Oracle DBMS for versioning:

  • PL/SQL code (schema objects)
  • Data (for example, within configuration tables)

Does Oracle DBMS give native tools for versioning at least one of these two?

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1 Answers1


The answer is no. But Oracle 11.2+ has something called "Editions". This method has many restrictions. For example, data and table structure cannot be versioned.
Cool thing is that separate sessions can use a different version of the DB objects simultaneously. (package before fix and after fix)
Here is oracle's documentation.EDITION and Examples of editions

Arkadiusz Łukasiewicz
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  • That's exactly what I'm looking for. But I could not google it, because for request "Oracle Editions" I got results on description for editions of DBMS: mainly XE. So I started to think that I've imagined this ))) – diziaq Aug 10 '17 at 07:15