I am trying to deploy a node.js app to appEngine but he doesn't seem to like my app.yaml.

D:\projects\Personal\Project>gcloud app deploy
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) An error occurred while parsing file: [D:\projects\Personal\Project\app.yaml]
No URLMap entries found in application configuration
  in "D:\projects\Personal\Project\app.yaml", line 10, column 12

Here's the app.yaml:

runtime: nodejs
env: standard

 - ^node_modules$

  USER: 'dbUser'
  DB: 'URI to DB'

Am I missing something here? Could it be that it's because of my folder structure?

I have following structure: - client - server ---- server.js - app.yaml

So the app.yaml is not in the server folder as otherwise it doesn't include the client folder...

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2 Answers2


Now that nodejs8 is supported in the standard environment (still in beta at this time), you must update your local gcloud environment to be able to deploy. Updating your gcloud components will make this warning go away.


gcloud components update

Update your app.yaml file

See Google's github for the most basic example required: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/nodejs-docs-samples/blob/master/appengine/building-an-app/build/app.yaml

Update your package.json

Specify the appropriate compatible node version, example:

  "engines": {
    "node": ">=8.0.0"

Full Tutorial On building a nodejs8 app in the App Engine standard environment: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/nodejs/building-app/

The standard environment deploys significantly faster than the flex environment.

Matthew Rideout
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There is no standart environment with nodejs in AppEngine.

You must use env: flex.

see this.

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