Questions tagged [app.yaml]

app.yaml is a configuration file for Google App Engine applications.

With app.yaml, you can configure your App Engine application. For Java apps, it allows you to configure your application more easily, and with fewer files, than with the standard web.xml configuration. You can use app.yaml as long as your application does not need to be portable to other Java application servers.

Source: (Java Application Configuration Using app.yaml)

309 questions
4 answers

Is it .yaml or .yml?

According to, the official file extension is .yaml. Quote: Is there an official extension for YAML files? Please use ".yaml" when possible. However there seems to be a disagreement on the internet on which extension to use. If you look…
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7 answers

Deploying basic Angular 2 app to Google App Engine

I can use Angular 2 to create basic front-end applications and can use python to create back-ends with endpoints on Google App engine. I can't however seem to figure out how to put the two together and deploy them with the cloud SDK. Here is a basic…
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4 answers

How do I setup routing for react in GAE? Directly routing to react-router-dom routes via URL fails in GAE on basic create-react-app?

ANSWER for now This was tough for me to get exactly right. Very little in the way of guidance via Google. I hope this helps others. As Dan Cornilescu pointed out, the handlers accept the first match. So we go from more specific to less specific. …
4 answers

Wordpress permalinks on Google Cloud Platform don't work

I've recently set up a new Google Cloud Platform instance to host my WordPress sites. I'm currently running around 4 sites total on the box and things have been working great so far (although there's been a huge learning curve!). I'm basically at…
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4 answers

( Error Response: [7] Access Not Configured. Cloud Build has not been used in project

I am running into this error while deploying my django(2.1) app with python(3.5) to appengine. Before, I was using python 2 and python27 in app.yaml, there was no such error, but now when I have python 3.5.2 and python37 in my app.yaml, I am running…
1 answer

redirect all requests from one domain to another with Google App Engine but keep static routing rules in yaml

I have a GAE app serving static files defined by rules in the yaml file under two different domain names as configured in DNS, an old one and a new one, but otherwise it's the same content served for each. I'd like to redirect requests from the old…
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how to solve "Process terminated because the request deadline was exceeded. (Error code 123)" in google api?

I have a projects deployed on Google App Engine having Google API (Python). Every request to any of API make a database connection , execute a procedure and return data and close the connection. I was not able to access any of API as it was showing…
Sunil Garg
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1 answer

Gcloud deploy specific files

I am serving some static js files with app engine. I am deploying code via with gcloud preview app deploy . This currently deploys all of my static files, is there a method to upload just a single js file in my static directory to app engine?…
Rick Chen
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2 answers

How to construct a app.yaml file?

I am trying out GAE for php and got lost in the app.yaml file construction. I can understand the part from the google tutorial which shows how to point all url request to a single…
0 answers

Secure Always Parameter Is Ignored In Appengine

When I add the secure: always parameter in app.yaml, I am still not redirected to a https. Https works when I type it in manually, and I'm testing this on the live server, but it treats the website as though secure: always isn't there. I eventually…
4 answers

Google App Engine | Python | APP.YAML

I am a beginner to Google App Engine, as well as web-development in Python. After making a small Python based app, I have been trying for the past 6 days to get it uploaded on GAE. The "app.yaml" file below gives the error given after that. APP.YAML…
2 answers

"network: session_affinity:true " property of app.yaml file is not reflecting in google app engine

I am using app.yaml file to configure my app engine. Below is the file. runtime: java env: flex resources: memory_gb: 6.5 cpu: 5 disk_size_gb: 20 automatic_scaling: min_num_instances: 6 max_num_instances: 8 …
Harish Bagora
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cron job in google app engine not working

I have taken the basic python 3 tutorial website on flask from this google cloud tutorial and I am able to set this up and the website works just fine. In addition , I also wanted to run a python script which runs everyday to collect some data, but…
1 answer

How to get values from yml based on input?

I am using spring-boot-starter-web latest version 2.2.6.RELEASE. I need to get value from yml file based on my input instead of @value. If the count is 100, need to get the following values key1: value1 100 key2: value2 100 If the count is 1000,…
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3 answers

Google App Engine deployment issue- main app not found

I am trying to deploy my app using Google App Engine. I have edited app.yaml to reflect the flexible environment and also gave all the app information. Below is the app.yaml file. runtime: python env: flex entrypoint: gunicorn -b :$PORT…
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