I am using JclMapi to send an email with the default mail client. Its all working fine, but i want to set the mail priority too. But i didnt find out how to set it yet.

Can anyone help me?

Thats my source code:

MAPIJclEmail := TJclEmail.Create;
MAPIJclEmail.Recipients.Add(RecipientsTo, '', rkTo, '');
if RecipientsCC <> '' then
  MAPIJclEmail.Recipients.Add(RecipientsCC, '', rkCC, '');
if RecipientsBCC <> '' then
  MAPIJclEmail.Recipients.Add(RecipientsBCC, '', rkBCC, '');
MAPIJclEmail.Subject := Subject;
MAPIJclEmail.Body := HtmlBody;
// Priority?
for i := Low(FileNames) to High(FileNames) do
  Result := AddFileAsAttachment(FileNames[i]);
Arioch 'The
  • 15,005
  • 31
  • 59
Dennis F.
  • 408
  • 2
  • 15
  • I'd suggest you dropping MAPI and using any internet library to connect to SMTP servers directly – Arioch 'The Jul 11 '16 at 21:12
  • thanks for your suggestion, but i am already able to send a mail over smtp - but besides this function the user want to check and edit the mail in his default mail client before sending it – Dennis F. Jul 12 '16 at 11:38

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