I'm having a problem whereas I cannot submit my archive for beta testing due to this problem (keep in mind I've already got a build out for testing, uploaded a while ago):

Xcode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assets and failed to do so because of the following issues.

An App ID with identifier '' is not available. Please enter a different string

According to this question, it seems that I should change my bundle ID from the format I am currently using: com.my.app, to the preferred format: com.my.app.XXX.

However, how can this be achieved? I'm using Firebase version 3 from Google as my backend provider, and I cannot seem to change the Bundle ID there, even if I would take the big step to create a whole new app in iTunes Connect due to not being able to changing the bundle ID.

My limitations (it seems):

  • Can't change bundle ID at Firebase
  • Can't change bundle ID with project in iTunes Connect.
  • Can't delete app identifier in member center because it's being used by the app listing in iTunes Connect.
  • Can't delete app from iTunes Connect.

Hence I'm a little stuck here; what's the best way to dig out of this?

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    upgrade to Xoode 7.3.1.. or check this (regenerate certificate, refresh from Xcode..) https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/39714 – TonyMkenu May 26 '16 at 19:32

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