I have a loop which calls a method that does stuff asynchronously. This loop can call the method many times. After this loop, I have another loop that needs to be executed only when all the asynchronous stuff is done.

So this illustrates what I want:

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

I'm not very familiar with promises, so could anyone help me to achieve this?

This is how my doSomeAsyncStuff() behaves:

function doSomeAsyncStuff() {
    var editor = generateCKEditor();
    editor.on('instanceReady', function(evt) {
        // There should be the resolve() of the promises I think.

Maybe I have to do something like this:

function doSomeAsyncStuff() {
    var editor = generateCKEditor();
    return new Promise(function(resolve,refuse) {
        editor.on('instanceReady', function(evt) {

But I'm not sure of the syntax.

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  • Are you in control of the asynchronous calls? Do they already return promises, or can you make them return promises? – T.J. Crowder Jul 15 '15 at 09:42
  • What exactly is the sequence? Do you need to call the other functions after *all* the previous async ones are finished? Or do you just need to call a function after each of the async are finished? – Sosdoc Jul 15 '15 at 09:43
  • For now the first function doesn't return promises. That I have to implement. I want to edit my message to add some details of the workflow of my functions. And yes I need that all the stuff of the first loop to be finish before start to execute the stuff in the second loop. – Ganbin Jul 15 '15 at 09:44
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    Re your edit: *"Maybe I have to do something like that"* Yup, very much like that, except there's no `s` at the end of `Promise`. – T.J. Crowder Jul 15 '15 at 10:10

5 Answers5


You can use Promise.all (spec, MDN) for that: It accepts a bunch of individual promises and gives you back a single promise that is resolved when all of the ones you gave it are resolved, or rejected when any of them is rejected.

So if you make doSomeAsyncStuff return a promise, then:

    const promises = [];
//  ^^^^^−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− use `const` or `let`, not `var`
    for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
//       ^^^−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− added missing declaration
        .then(() => {
            for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
//               ^^^−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− added missing declaration
        .catch((e) => {
            // handle errors here

MDN has an article on promises here. I also cover promsies in detail in Chapter 8 of my book JavaScript: The New Toys, links in my profile if you're interested.

Here's an example:

 function doSomethingAsync(value) {
     return new Promise((resolve) => {
         setTimeout(() => {
             console.log("Resolving " + value);
         }, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000));
   function test() {
       const promises = [];
       for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
           .then((results) => {
               console.log("All done", results);
           .catch((e) => {
               // Handle errors here

Sample output (because of the Math.random, what finishes first may vary):

Resolving 3
Resolving 2
Resolving 1
Resolving 4
Resolving 0
All done [0,1,2,3,4]
T.J. Crowder
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  • Ok thanks I try this now and I come with feedback in few minutes. – Ganbin Jul 15 '15 at 10:00
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    Wow, thanks a lot, now I understand much more the promises.I read a lot about promises, but until we need to use them in real code, we don't really understand all the mechanisms. Now I get it better and I can start to write cool stuff, thanks to you. – Ganbin Jul 15 '15 at 10:22
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    Also, if you want to get these tasks to complete in order for any reason (for example mocking progress), you can change `Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)` to `(i * 1000)` – OK sure Jan 12 '18 at 12:15
  • @TJ now how i can render the result data to the view and there i can do the loop to show the data – Ajit Singh Sep 07 '18 at 10:11
  • if `doSomethingAsync(i)` returns a promise how to wait for that to finish along with others in the loop? – noobCoder Mar 06 '19 at 20:44
  • @noobCoder - [All you could possibly want to know about combining and iterating promises in series or parallel](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14220321/how-do-i-return-the-response-from-an-asynchronous-call/43766002#43766002). :-) – T.J. Crowder Mar 06 '19 at 21:12
  • Instead of `Promise.all(promises).then( results) => { } ).catch((e) => { })`, is it possible to use `try { var results = await Promises.all(promises); // continue with code here } catch (err) { // handle error here }`? I am just wondering if both constructs achieve the same thing? – user1063287 Jul 24 '19 at 09:24
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    @user1063287 - You can do that if the code is in a context where `await` is allowed. At the moment, the only place you can use `await` is inside an `async` function. (At some point you'll also be able to use it at the top level of modules.) – T.J. Crowder Jul 24 '19 at 09:37
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    Thanks, worked for me! – Abbas.moosavi Feb 11 '21 at 10:21
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    Thanks @Henke! I've fixed the link. – T.J. Crowder May 21 '21 at 11:12

A reusable function works nicely for this pattern:

function awaitAll(count, asyncFn) {
  const promises = [];

  for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {

  return Promise.all(promises);

OP example:

awaitAll(5, doSomeAsyncStuff)
  .then(results => console.log('doSomeStuffOnlyWhenTheAsyncStuffIsFinished', results))
  .catch(e => console.error(e));

A related pattern, is iterating over an array and performing an async operation on each item:

function awaitAll(list, asyncFn) {
  const promises = [];

  list.forEach(x => {

  return Promise.all(promises);


const books = [{ id: 1, name: 'foo' }, { id: 2, name: 'bar' }];

function doSomeAsyncStuffWith(book) {
  return Promise.resolve(book.name);

awaitAll(books, doSomeAsyncStuffWith)
  .then(results => console.log('doSomeStuffOnlyWhenTheAsyncStuffIsFinished', results))
  .catch(e => console.error(e));
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    This really makes code easier to understand and cleaner. I don't think the current example (which was obviously adapted to OP's code) does this justice. This is a neat trick, thanks! – Shaun Vermaak Jun 08 '20 at 01:55
const doSomeAsyncStuff = async (funcs) => {
  const allPromises = funcs.map(func => func());
  return await Promise.all(allPromises);

  () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 100)),
  () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 100)),
  () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 100)),
  () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 100)),
  () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 100)),
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Here is code that I wrote for myself in order to understand the answers stated here. I have mongoose queries in a for loop, so I put here the asyncFunction to take its place. Hope it helps anyone. You can run this script in node or any of many Javascript runtimes.

let asyncFunction = function(value, callback)
        setTimeout(function(){console.log(value); callback();}, 1000);

// a sample function run without promises

        console.log("I'm back 10");

//here we use promises

let promisesArray = [];

let p = new Promise(function(resolve)
            console.log("I'm back 20");


for(let i = 30; i < 80; i += 10)
    let p = new Promise(function(resolve)
                console.log("I'm back " + i);

// We use Promise.all to execute code after all promises are done.

        console.log("all promises resolved!");
Mina Michael
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/*** Worst way ***/
  let data = await axios.get(
  //do the statements and operations
  //that are dependant on data

//Your final statements and operations
//That will be performed when the loop ends

//=> this approach will perform very slow as all the api call
// will happen in series

/*** One of the Best way ***/

const yourAsyncFunction = async (anyParams) => {
  let data = await axios.get(
  //all you statements and operations here
  //that are dependant on data
var promises = []
await Promise.all(promises)
//Your final statement / operations
//that will run once the loop ends

//=> this approach will perform very fast as all the api call
// will happen in parallal
Sourav Purkait
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