I am a bit confused on working with fs and async/await. I have a folder called tests that contains 6 folders and each one of them contains lots of images. I need to loop through each image and save its filename into an array. This is the folders structure:


This is the code I wrote:

let array = [];

fs.readdir(sourcePathDesktopWin,  (err, folders) => {
  console.log('folders: ', folders);
  folders.forEach( (folder) => {
       (err, files) => {
        files.forEach( async (file) => {
          await array.push(file);

console.log('array: ', array);

The console.log appears empty because it runs before the fs functions have finished. I have 2 questions here:

  1. how do I make it so the console.log is fired after the fs functions have finished running?
  2. What is a better way to write this function?

Thank you.

Andrea D_
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