I'm working on a process that needs to be restarted upon any change to any file in a specified directory, recursively.

I want to avoid using anything heavy, like inotify. I don't need to know which files were updated, but rather only whether or not files were updated at all. Moreover, I don't need to be notified of every change, but rather only to know if any changes have happened at a specific interval, dynamically determined by the process.

There has to be a way to do this with a fairly simple bash command. I don't mind having to execute the command multiple times; performance is not my primary concern for this use case. However, it would be preferable for the command to be as fast as possible.

The only output I need is the timestamp of the last change, so I can compare it to the timestamp that I have stored in memory.

I'm also open to better solutions.

Marco Roy
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  • _upon any change to any file_ -> I also need to know about new files. Deleted files would be a bonus, but is not required. It's also probably much harder to track those. Doing a checksum of the directory would work, but would probably be very slow. – Marco Roy Jun 24 '15 at 17:49

4 Answers4


I actually found a good answer from another closely related question.

I've only modified the command a little to adapt it to my needs:

find . -type f -printf '%T@\n' | sort -n | tail -1

  1. %T@ returns the modification time as a unix timestamp, which is just what I need.
  2. sort -n sorts the timestamps numerically.
  3. tail -1 only keeps the last/highest timestamp.

It runs fairly quickly; ~400ms on my entire home directory, and ~30ms on the intended directory (measured using time [command]).

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Marco Roy
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I just thought of an even better solution than the previous one, which also allows me to know about deleted files.

The idea is to use a checksum, but not a checksum of all files; rather, we can only do a checksum of the timestamps. If anything changes at all (new files, deleted files, modified files), then the checksum will change also!

find . -type f -printf '%T@,' | cksum

  1. '%T@,' returns the modification time of each file as a unix timestamp, all on the same line.
  2. cksum calculates the checksum of the timestamps.
  3. ????
  4. Profit!!!!

It's actually even faster than the previous solution (by ~20%), because we don't need to sort (which is one of the slowest operations). Even a checksum will be much faster, especially on such a small amount of data (22 bytes per timestamp), instead of doing a checksum on each file.

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Marco Roy
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    Alternative checksums: `md5sum`, or one of the SHA family (`shasum`, `sha1sum`, `sha512sum`, etc.). `cksum` is fine in cases where security is not a concern (it isn't for my use case), otherwise `sha512sum` should probably be used. – Marco Roy Jun 26 '15 at 19:17

Instead of remembering the timestamp of the last change, you could remember the last file that changed and find newer files using

find . -type f -newer "$lastfilethatchanged"

This does not work, however, if the same file changes again. Thus, you might need to create a temporary file with touch first:

touch --date="$previoustimestamp" "$tempfile"
find . -type f -newer "$tempfile"

where "$tempfile" could be, for example, in the memory at /dev/shm/.

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$ find ./ -name "*.sqlite" -ls here you can use this command to get info for your file .Use filters to get timestamp

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  • I need to track _any change to any file_; I don't have a specific file that I want to track with `-name`. I also need to know about new files. – Marco Roy Jun 24 '15 at 17:47
  • ohh sorry didnt read it properly but this is even simpler as you just need to grep timestamp of the files in a particular directory and compare there timestamps. you can write a simple shell script for this following steps might suffice your task 1. Grep timestamps from all files from a directory 2. get it in one array and compare it to get latest time stamp and get corresponding directory – user3156262 Jun 25 '15 at 09:10
  • I don't need the timestamp of all the files, but only the latest one. _"The only output I need is the timestamp of the last change, so I can compare it to the timestamp that I have stored in memory."_ I find the accepted answer achieves that goal much more easily. – Marco Roy Jun 26 '15 at 18:21
  • yes I got ur point. i am saying that u can write shell script for this purpose – user3156262 Jun 29 '15 at 09:08