
My app's status is "prepare for submission" (way before going live), so there must be a simple way to change its name, but I really can't figure it out on my own; help's needed! I need to change the name displayed in app store, not in xcode!

Jaden Wong
  • 13
  • 4

1 Answers1


To change app name which is visible on App Store you need to change Name on iTunes Connect on your app page below the Screenshot and above app Description there is field Name which you need to cahnge, to change the name of app on home screen visible to user you must change bundle display name in your plist.

  • 365
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  • my situation fits the first scenario you listed, so how to do it?how to change the app name on itunesconnect?please be patient~~~ – Jaden Wong Jun 20 '15 at 11:11