I got a text file with a version number which updates on each build i.e:

I would like to insert this number on each build to my globalassemblyinfo.cs file on this line: [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] and only to the version number, meaning before the build the globalassembly.cs file would be updated with the new version number from the text file (

Tried this:

$a = cat "C:\pathtofile\GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs" | select-string AssemblyVersion 

which gives me only this line:

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] 

but from it I need only the number how can I pull it out? Tried using a pattern but I didn't know what to put in the pattern exactly

The code below worked like a charm and I had managed to extract the version number, now i'm trying to replace this version with the one in globalassemblyinfo.cs, so I wrote this line:

$a -replace $version,$Newversion | Set-Content "C:\pathtofile\GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs"

But it deleted the whole file content and put this string instead:

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]

How can I just update the line without deleting the whole file content?

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2 Answers2


Once you've got the line containing the AssemblyVersion attribute, you can grab the version field with a named capture group, like this:

if($a -match '(?<version>(\d+\.?){4})'){
    $version = $Matches["version"]

The actual pattern: (\d+\.?){4} matches four consecutive occurrences of one or more digits and an optional dot - the (?<version>) part makes sure it gets captured into $Matches["version"]

Mathias R. Jessen
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Found the answer, apparently you have to use Get-Content command with parenthesis like this :

(Get-Content "C:\pathtofile\GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs") -replace $version,$Newversion | Set-Content "C:\pathtofile\GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs"

This link helped: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17145810/4333722

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