I'm kinda new to regex, and specifically, I don't understand there are 2 backslashes? I mean, I know the second one is to escape the character "*", but what does the first backslash do?

Well I'm passing this regex expression to the php function preg_match(), and I'm trying to find strings that include 2 or more consecutive "*".

4 Answers4


That regex is invalid syntax.

You have this piece:


Which basically would read: match n-times, 2 or more times.

The following regex:


Is the simplest and closest regex to the one you have, which would read as:
match 0 or more '\' and 2 or more characters that aren't newlines

If you are talking about the string itself, is may be interpreted as 2 things:

  • /\\*{2,}/
    Read as: match a single \ and another \ n-times 2 times or more
    This is invalid syntax
  • /\*{2,}\
    Read as match 2 or more * This is valid syntax

It all varies, depending on the escape character.


Since the question was updated to show which language and engine it is being used, I've updated to add the following information:

You have to pass the regex as '/\*{2,}/' OR as "/\\*{2,}/" (watch the quotes).

Both are very similar, except that single quotes ('') only support the following escape sequences:

  • \' - Produces '
  • \\- Produces \

Double-quoted strings are treated differently in PHP. And they support almost any escape sequence, like:

  • \" - Produces "
  • \' - Produces '
  • \\ - Produces \
  • \x<2-digit hex number> - Same as chr(0x<2-digit hex number>)
  • \0 - Produces a null char
  • \1 - Produces a control char (same as chr(1))
  • \u<4-digit hex number> - Produces an UTF-8 character
  • \r - Produces a newline on old OSX
  • \n - Produces a newline on Linux/newer OSX/Windows (when writting a file without b)
  • \t - Produces a tab
  • \<number> or \0<number> - Same as \x, but the numbers are in octal (e.g.: "\75" and "\075" produce =)
  • ... (some more that I probably forgot) ...
  • \<anything> - Produces <anything>

Read more about this on https://php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php

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Ismael Miguel
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  • AFAIK it is valid, but doesn't do much – PeeHaa May 08 '15 at 17:32
  • Please note, that OP is not showing us a regex, but a regex string, that needs to have the escape character escaped. See my answer. – CptBartender May 08 '15 at 17:34
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    @PeeHaa You can test on https://regex101.com/ and http://www.gethifi.com/tools/regex. Both will barf when you throw that bad boy. – Ismael Miguel May 08 '15 at 17:34
  • I see. What engine are they on? Because rubular happily runs with it http://rubular.com/r/HcUYkFkAfE – PeeHaa May 08 '15 at 17:38
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    To answer my own question. They all error. Even the PCRE one – PeeHaa May 08 '15 at 17:40
  • @PeeHaa With the new edit, I think I nailed the answer. – Ismael Miguel May 08 '15 at 17:51
  • Haha thanks man but what difference does it make to have "" vs. ' '? One is string and the other is, well, char? – theOneAndOnlyFerris May 08 '15 at 17:59
  • @theOneAndOnlyFerris `""` will parse all character escapes and variables. While `''` won't. Using `''` will only detect the following escape sequences: `\'` and '\\'. All the others are only available with `""` (and heredocs). You can read more on https://php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php – Ismael Miguel May 08 '15 at 18:04

Is it a string literal written in a program and if so which one? The double backslash may be to escape the escape char so that this regex matches at least 2 * star characters.

In JavaScript for example you need to escape the \ so that your string literal can express it as data before you transform it into a regular expression when using the RegExp constructor. Why do regex constructors need to be double escaped?

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Depending on the platrofm you're using, "/\\*{2,}/" may actually be a representation of a /\*{2,'}/ string - this is because languages like Java treat \ as an escape character, so to actually put that character within regex, you need to escape the character in regex string.

So, we have /\*{2'}/ regex. \*' matches the star character, and{2,}` means at least two times. Your regex will match any two or more consecutive star characters.

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For PHP what you have with that regex is to repeat literally a * 2 or more times. You can easily see with with below diagram:

Regular expression visualization

But when you have to code it in PHP you have to escape the backslash (with a backslash) to use it in string. For instance:

$re = "/\\*{2,}/"; 
$str = "..."; 

preg_match($re, $str, $matches);
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