Federico Piazza


About me

Since 2006 I have had the pleasure to work in different countries, with many clients and using diverse programming languages and technologies. Have carried out several roles such as software architect and senior engineer. Worked in different positions, always related to software engineering. The most significative are:

► Team Leader

► Software Achitect

► Scrum Master

► Senior Software Engineer

► Backend Senior Developer

► Frontend Senior Developer

Skills Summary

► Java / Groovy Development:

SpringBoot ♦ Spring MVC/Core/Aop/Data/Security/Test ♦ SpringCloudConfig ♦ Jersey ♦ AspectJ ♦ Hibernate ♦ JPA ♦ Spock ♦ JUnit ♦ Mockito ♦ Rest Assured ♦ Maven ♦ Ant ♦ Jenkins/Hudson ♦ Rest/Soap WebServices ♦ JDBC ♦ iBatis ♦ FlywayDB ♦ Jasypt ♦ Jackson ♦ Jibx ♦ Jaxb ♦ XPath ♦ XQuery ♦ XSLT ♦ Regex ♦ Hazelcast ♦ Redis ♦ JSF ♦ Struts 1/2 ♦ Lucene

► Javascript Frameworks and Platforms:

AngularJS ♦ jQuery ♦ jQueryUI ♦ MooTools

► Web Development:

Bootstrap ♦ HTML ♦ CSS ♦ Javascript ♦ JSON ♦ XML ♦ XSL

► Databases:

MySQL ♦ Oracle ♦ Microsoft SqlServer ♦ MongoDB

► Application Servers:

Websphere ♦ WebLogic ♦ Tomcat ♦ Jboss ♦ Apache

► Continuous integration:

Jenkins/Hudson ♦ GitLab CI/CD

► Scripting Languages:


► Other Languages:

C++ ♦ C ♦ GTK ♦ SQL ♦ ML ♦ PHP

► Integration Development / ETL Tools:

TalendOS ♦ Jitterbit

► Source Control:

SVN ♦ Git ♦ Starteam

► MQ:

Tibco ♦ ActiveMQ ♦ WebsphereMQ

► OpenSource applications:

Joomla ♦ Liferay ♦ SpagoBI ♦ SugarCRM

► Languages:

English ♦ Spanish ♦ Portuguese ♦ French
