In Jenkins 1580.3 the slave is being launched via execution of a command on the master node like this:

ssh jenkins@host "/path/to/java -jar /path/to/slave.jar"

What I need to do is set the max heap size to a different value and enable verbose GC logging to a file:

ssh jenkins@host "-Xmx6g -verbose:gc -Xloggc:/path/to/GC.lo /path/to/java -jar /path/to/slave.jar"

But I get various errors when trying to launch the slave, depending on what first comes in the command: Unknown mac "xmx6g" for example. Is there a way to launch a slave with the desired parameters with this launch method?

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1 Answers1


Change :

ssh jenkins@host "-Xmx6g -verbose:gc -Xloggc:/path/to/GC.lo /path/to/java -jar /path/to/slave.jar"

To :

ssh jenkins@host "/path/to/java -Xmx6g -verbose:gc -Xloggc:/path/to/GC.lo  -jar /path/to/slave.jar"
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