Is there a decent eye tracking package to replace the mouse for code editing?

I want to free up the mouse, but keep using my keyboard for editing code.

Having done some research on it, I concluded that proper eye tracking hardware is expensive. Using a webcam or high resolution video camera seems to be the most viable option.

Unfortunately, image-based tracking (as opposed to infra-red tracking) restricts the accuracy, and so not all features might be practical.

Desired eye-tracking IDE features:

  • Page scrolling
  • Tab selection
  • Setting cursor position
  • Selecting gaze-focused text with keyboard

A similar question recommends Opengazer for webcams, but I am particularly interested in speeding up basic text-editing. Any recommendations are appreciated, especially if you have experience with eye tracking and practical use cases.

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Petrus Theron
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7 Answers7


The kind of accuracy you're looking for is pretty difficult to achieve (Since text tends to be pretty small).

IR tracking is actually pretty easy to accomplish. A few IR LEDs and an IR camera (which is really just a normal camera with different filters) and your pupil lights up (This can be done with under $100, more if you want a better camera though).

It's the head tracking that might be more of an issue.

You end up with quite a few degrees of freedoms that you need to track and your inaccuracies will just build up.

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  • Thanks. Would wearing a head-mounted camera negate most noise issues? – Petrus Theron Apr 01 '10 at 17:01
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    The head mounted camera would increase accuracy of the eye tracking. The issue is, to track where on a screen one is looking, you have to track the head as well. – CookieOfFortune Apr 01 '10 at 17:55
  • Can’t we use gyros for that? Or, build a set of infrared LEDs into the headset as well, and then use a second, stationary camera to track *those* (thus giving us *independant* data-points for head-location/orientation and eye-orientation) … – ELLIOTTCABLE Oct 14 '11 at 00:54
  • You can, but now you're introducing more variables to track and more noise. – CookieOfFortune Oct 19 '11 at 21:09

I'm pretty sure there is no out-of-the-box solution for problem, but on eyewriter.org there are really nice instructions how to build your own eye-tracker. It's accurate enought to let someone "draw" graphities using only his eyes. so it should be possible to convert the eye-movements into mouse-events.

Nikolaus Gradwohl
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Re text cursor placement, Lightning (While I have not worked on this particular feature, I have previously contributed to the Text 2.0 project as a student) which is described in this paper:

Universal eye-tracking based text cursor warping

will place the text cursor at the most salient target in the neighborhood of the gaze position reported by the eye tracker.

However, you need a Tobii eye tracker that supports the TET API. You might want to contact Tobii to verify that the Tobii X2-30 eye tracker which costs < $10k is compatible.

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It can be done reasonably accurately (al la this article on how people read code) but i've never seen a commercial product that does what you're asking for

Maybe take a look at Emotiv's headsets, they use thought patterns to perform tasks. They're designed for games but you can probably repurpose it for normal tasks

Dave L
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Eye Tribe has a $99 consumer-level eye tracker that is available now.

“Using a webcam or high resolution video camera seems to be the most viable option.”

Eye Tribe is a spinoff of Gaze Group, a research group located at the IT University of Copenaghen. The people of Gaze Group developed the open-source ITU GazeTracker software, which allows people to turn low-cost webcams into eye trackers.


Upon looking at the “downloads” section for Gaze Group, it seems that there are already some eye tracking applications to do some basic actions.

melhosseiny mentioned the Text 2.0 framework for creating eye tracking apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and the Universal eye-tracking based text cursor warping feature for placing the text cursor at the most salient target.

Eye Tribe has its own SDK, but those things above could help if they work with Eye Tribe.

Jeff Kang
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Personally I had an issue always having to reach for a normal mouse, looked at various option eyetracking/voice/touchscreen and ended up changing the keyboard to a IBM Trackpoint end result being my hands never leave the Keyboard and my typing speed and accuracy improved due to not having to reposition my right hand.

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Just use vim. Do more with the keyboard, less with the mouse.

Scott S. McCoy
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    Do everything with the keyboard. – blinry Mar 11 '11 at 10:27
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    I don't understand how this would take away from using the keyboard... If you could just gaze at a place on the screen, and then hit some mapping like, ` – kenny Aug 12 '12 at 14:23