How to validate if code blocks, as in a construct:

    // Any amount of characters that aren't '{' or '}'

Are properly nested, preferably with regex?

{} {
    {} {}
} // Properly nested
} {} // Not properly nested

As referred to from this thread, approaches such as recursion and balancing groups cannot apply here, as the regular expression constructs are not present in Java Pattern.

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2 Answers2


Why do this with regex? I suggest building your own parser. Something like this:

public static boolean isProperlyNested(String toTest) {
    int countOpen = 0;
    for (char c : toTest.toCharArray()) {
        if (c == '{') {
        } else if (c == '}') {
            if (countOpen < 0) return false;
    return countOpen == 0;
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    Note that this is a simplification. For example what to do with a piece of code where an open or close brace is hidden in a comment; that is BTW where a stack or a state machine comes in. – Mark Rotteveel Sep 01 '14 at 15:17
  • @MarkRotteveel The stack doesn't really work any better. Just include some booleans that toggle for comments/strings/chars/etc, and don't change the count if one of them is true. – Justin Sep 01 '14 at 15:23
  • A stack is probably overkill for this specific example (but what if I want to track balanced braces **and** parentheses), although I'd sooner opt for a enum than a set of booleans to track the current state of the parser (and I actually did just that for Jaybird; it allows for leaving the state switch to the state itself: http://sourceforge.net/p/firebird/code/HEAD/tree/client-java/trunk/src/main/org/firebirdsql/jdbc/escape/FBEscapedParser.java#l364 ). – Mark Rotteveel Sep 01 '14 at 15:32
  • @MarkRotteveel Yes, that's true; a stack to store the character would be a good idea for testing with multiple types of matching characters. – Justin Sep 01 '14 at 15:36

I can solve this using two steps with a loop:

    String str1 = "{} {\n" +
                  "    {} {}\n" +
                  "} // Properly nested",
           str2 = "{{\n" +
                  "    {{}}\n" +
                  "} {} // Not properly nested";
    final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\Q{}\\E");

    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(str1.replaceAll("[^{}]", ""));
    while (matcher.find())
        matcher = pattern.matcher(str1 = matcher.replaceAll(""));

    matcher = pattern.matcher(str2.replaceAll("[^{}]", ""));
    while (matcher.find())
        matcher = pattern.matcher(str2 = matcher.replaceAll(""));

Here is an online code demo. Demo is slightly different from the code I wrote here so as to show to original string orientation as well.

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