I have a question.

I have two files: a Model file with data and a OntModel with schema. I have stored these files ina Jena TDB as described in this post: How I can use Fuseki with Jena TDB

My question is: is it correct to store my schema in Jena TDB? I have readed a similar question in this post: Load OWL schema into triple-store like Fuskei/TDB?

where it's written that

"Schemas are data. You can load them as you would for data. If you want inference based on the schema, you don't need to load it - you need to write a Fuseki configuration that uses your schema with a inference engine like Jena rules."

How I can write a Fuseki configuration that uses my schema with a inference engine like Jena rules?

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  • There's a [Fuseki Configuration File](http://jena.apache.org/documentation/serving_data/#fuseki-configuration-file) section in the documentation, and it mentions that you can use inference models. Then you'll need to get into the assembler initialization, for which see [Jena assembler quickstart](http://jena.apache.org/documentation/assembler/index.html). There's a bit in there about **How can I specify … an inference model?** Once you've gone through that documentation, if you're still having problems, it will be easier to ask a more specific question about your configuration file. – Joshua Taylor Jul 21 '14 at 16:04
  • At the moment, I think this is probably too broad, since there are lots of ways that you could "write a Fuseki configuration that uses [your] schema with a inference engine like Jena rules." – Joshua Taylor Jul 21 '14 at 16:05

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