There are lots of questions related to this error but I think mine is a little different. I've got one non-consumable product and four consumable products in my game. Non-consumable product is used to unlock game levels and consumable products are used for in-game currency. A typical scenario.

Non-consumable product purchases work without problems but a majority of the users get "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" when they try to buy one of my consumable products.

EDIT: This is turning into a serious problem. Users are getting Cannot connect to iTunes Store error but it seems the purchases are successful. They are charged by iTunes Store. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Élodie Petit
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  • possible duplicate of [iPhone Store Kit "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2359739/iphone-store-kit-cannot-connect-to-itunes-store) – hpique Feb 07 '14 at 05:07
  • See also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21408968/ios-iap-errordomain-code-0-cannot-connect-to-itunes-store-from-live-apps-many – hpique Feb 07 '14 at 05:10

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