How to determine the version of Android SDK installed in my computer?

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11 Answers11

<Program files>\Android\Android-sdk\platforms\<platform SDK's>

On a 32bit machine: "<Program files>" will be \Program Files\

On a 64bit machine:

If you installed the 32bit ADT, "<Program files>" will be \Program Files (x86)\

If you installed the 64bit ADT, "<Program files>" will be \Program Files\

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Type in android list target into your command line to see what android API you are using.

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Dhruv Ghulati
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Android Studio is now (early 2015) out of beta. If you're using it as your development platform, the SDK Manager is probably the easiest way to see what's available. To start the SDK Manager from within Android Studio, use the menu bar: Tools > Android > SDK Manager.

This will provide not only the SDK version, but the versions of SDK Build Tools and SDK Platform Tools. It also works if you've installed them somewhere other than in Program Files.

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  • Note that the Tools menu does not have an Android menu if you have not installed Build Tools of any version yet. – ryanttb Mar 09 '15 at 17:47
C:\ <path to android sdk> \tools\source.properties (open with notepad)

There you will find it.

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You can check following path for Windows 10


Also, you can check from android studio

File > Project Structure > SDK Location > Android SDK Location

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open android sdk->click on tools tab->about and u get the entire details!

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While some responses have shown how to get the versions of the installed Android SDKs and various Android SDK related tools using the Android SDK Manager GUI, here's a way to get the same information from the command line:

%ANDROID_HOME%\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat --list

You can redirect the output to a file to ease review and sharing.

Note: In my corporate environment, I also had to use the --proxy, --proxy_host, and --proxy_port command line options. You may need to use them as well.


In the case of Linux, You get the version of Android SDK using sdkmanager.

your_path/android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --version

in my case

/var/lib/jenkins/android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --versionenter image description here

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I develope cross-plateform mobile applications Using Xamarin integrated in Visual Studio 2017.

I prefer to install and check all details of Android SDK from within the Visual Studio 2017. This can be found under the menu TOOLS -> Android -> Android SDK Manager.

Bellow is the Visual representation of the Adroid SDK Manager.enter image description here

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If you prefer to manage from UI, type android in command windows which will open the Android SDK Manager. Or you can directly open from C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\SDK Manager.exe

enter image description here

Zin Min
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Create a Batch file (.bat) in Windows with the following command in it:

%ANDROID_HOME%\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat --list && pause

NOTE: Using && pause is necessary to be able to review the information, once it is listed. If not used, the batch file will simply run, show the information in just mere few seconds and exit right away.

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