Hmm...I intended on asking only one question. But I've instead decided to kill two birds with one stone.

First Question: What does Sitebricks use as the default serializer/deserializer between Java POJOs and JSON? For example, let's say that this is my POJO:

public class MyObject {
    private String key;
    private int value;
    public MyObject (String k, int v) {
        this.key = k;
        this.value = v;

And this is an example of a method in my Sitebricks servlet:

public Reply<?> listPools() {
    return Reply.with(new MyObject("Foo", 6)).as(Json.class);

I did not annotate MyObject with any Jackson annotations, nor did I use GSON anywhere in my code. Yet, much to my surprise, I get back this as my content body in the response:


So what I would like to know is what technology or framework or what-not that Sitebricks is using by default to serialize-deserialize JSON. Jackson? GSON? Witchcraft and wizardry?

Now the Second Question. I noticed in the header that the response Content-Type was text/json. This looked weird to me because, in my past experience, I've always dealt with application/json as the Content-Type for JSON. This Stackoverflow post confirms my belief. Any comments on this point?

Thanks in advance!

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  • Err...crap sorry, disregard the first question if you wish. I should've read [this Sitebricks.org page](http://sitebricks.org/#requestandreply) more carefully. *"Json.class - Jackson based Json transport"*. Second question is still up for grabs. – ecbrodie Nov 09 '12 at 05:10

2 Answers2


Sitebricks uses Jackson by default which will convert objects without any configuration using sensible defaults. If you want to override the behavior, bind an ObjectMapper using standard Jackson-prescribed config.

You should probably set application/json for most cases, correct. SB should set this, you're right, I'll make the change in trunk.


And it's still possible to change it on the go with the following

 return Reply.with(...).as(Json.class).type("application/json; charset=utf-8");
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