

I'm a software engineer and I've always been a developer (for 8 years from a professional point of view). I am mainly a backend developer, Java enthusiast, but my skills have diversified as I was facing different needs: frontend development JavaScript/HTML/CSS, SQL and NoSQL database (particularly MongoDB), Rest API design, DevOps process implementation, ...

Curious and passionate about IT and development, I'm actively following new trends and implement, when my schedule permits it, prototypes to test new tools, frameworks and languages.

Throught my experiences, I've worked in companies of all sizes, with various business fields (travel / tourism, food processing, telecom, ...), both in private and public sector. As I've worked both in services companies and publishers, I adapt to different working methods. Certified Scrum Master, I'm convinced by agile manifesto and try hard to apply its principles as soon as I can, while respecting corporate culture.