I am looking for a good tagging library. I wanted to have Ajax, autocomplete, and being able to store values and labels for each tag. I found a few promising ones, but I was not able to develop on top of it for my needs. The one I looked at extensively is below:


I was not able to submit value and label, it only accepts the label as the value. Is there any other library which would encompass what I was looking for? Or is there something I'm missing with the above library? I was reading the docs for it and could not get it accept label and value.

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1 Answers1


Try this one. It's flexible and you can alter it for your own use. It has a cache facility too.

jQuery tokeninput

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  • Is there a way to prevent people from typing a tag that is not suggested? – KVISH Aug 20 '12 at 20:12
  • I did not see that in the documentation, otherwise looks good. – KVISH Aug 20 '12 at 20:12
  • yeah you can take use of onAdd(builtin method) A function to call whenever the user adds another token to their selections. In that function you can remove unwanted tags from the input box – Ashirvad Aug 20 '12 at 20:13
  • Docs are on the same page down.. Its easy to use and has lot of flexibility.. Also demos are http://loopj.com/jquery-tokeninput/demo.htm – Ashirvad Aug 20 '12 at 20:15
  • After going in circles with bootstrap-taginput (+ typeahead + bloodhound), and then taggle, this solution Just Works. Thanks! – epalm Mar 13 '15 at 22:27