Questions tagged [stack]

A stack is a last in, first out (LIFO) abstract data type and data structure. For questions about the call stack, use [callstack] or [stack-pointer] instead. For questions about the Haskell build tool, use [haskell-stack] instead. For questions about the standard stack in C++, use [stdstack] instead.

A stack is a data structure, often used as an abstract data type (ADT) in many programming languages, to store data in a last in, first out (LIFO) manner. You could imagine it like a stack of cards. If you put a card onto the top of the stack, and then take the top card off the stack, you'll get the same card you put onto it.

Putting data onto a stack is called pushing. Taking something from a stack is called popping. Checking what's on top of a stack without removing it is called peeking.

Here is an example program:

a = new stack()
b = a.peek()
b = a.pop()
b = a.pop()

would give the output:


The is a stack data structure that's used to keep track of local variables and allows easy nested function calls (including for recursive functions). The current top-of-stack is usually tracked by a dedicated register. Different CPU architectures and calling conventions manage the stack differently, but it's common to push a return address as part of calling a function. Returning pops the return address and jumps to it, allowing a function to return to wherever it was called from.

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10392 questions
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Stack smashing detected

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