Questions tagged [framebuffer]

In general a framebuffer is a graphic hardware-independent abstraction layer used to display output to a monitor or display.


1055 questions
2 answers

What's the concept of and differences between Framebuffer and Renderbuffer in OpenGL?

I'm confused about concept of Framebuffer and Renderbuffer. I know that they're required to render, but I want to understand them before use. I know some bitmap buffer is required to store the temporary drawing result. The back buffer. And the other…
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4 answers

Android Graphics Internals

I haven't found a clear explanation on how the Android graphics system works, specifically, does it use a display server, is it based on DirectFB or X11, etc. From what I've managed to piece together, Android depends on the Linux frame buffer. I…
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7 answers

Paint Pixels to Screen via Linux FrameBuffer

I was recently struck by a curious idea to take input from /dev/urandom, convert relevant characters to random integers, and use those integers as the rgb/x-y values for pixels to paint onto the screen. I've done some research (here on StackOverflow…
Richard Martinez
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7 answers

Google Chrome over Linux FrameBuffer

I am working on a project where I need to run Google chromium over Linux FrameBuffer, I need to run it without any windowing system dependency ( It should draw on the buffer we provide it to draw, this will make its porting to any embedded system…
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2 answers

What is the difference between framebuffer and image in Vulkan?

I've known that framebuffer is the final destination of the rendering pipeline and swapchain contains many image. So what is the relation between those two things? Which one is the actual render target? And does the framebuffer later attach the…
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1 answer

Setting up OpenGL Multiple Render Targets

I've seen a lot of material on this subject, but there are some differences between the examples I've found and I'm having a hard time getting a solid understanding of the correct process. Hopefully someone can tell me if I'm on the right track. I…
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5 answers

Using OpenGL Without X-Window System

How to OpenGL on Linux Platform Without X-Window System, can I send OpenGL Graphics Directly to Framebuffer Device? There Is Project Named DirectFB (Direct FrameBuffer). With DirectFB We can do this but DirectFB needs for driver for each hardware…
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1 answer

When to call glEnable(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB)?

I have a rendering system where I draw to an FBO with a multisampled renderbuffer, then blit it to another FBO with a texture in order to resolve the samples in order to read off the texture to perform post-processing shading while drawing to the…
Steven Lu
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1 answer

Does glBlitFramebuffer copy all color attachments if GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT mask is specified?

If I am copying pixels from one FBO to another and each of them have multiple (not necessary the same number) of color attachments, and if my mask is GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, which color attachments (GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1, ....,…
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3 answers

opengl - blending with previous contents of framebuffer

I am rendering to a texture through a framebuffer object, and when I draw transparent primitives, the primitives are blended properly with other primitives drawn in that single draw step, but they are not blended properly with the previous contents…
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1 answer

Can I write bytes directly to video memory under Linux, or is there a better way to get data onto the screen?

I'm teaching my son programming "the right/hard way", so we're starting with C, like real men :) Printing text to the console is fun, but I still remember the exhilaration of switching my old i386 to the 320x200x256 mode and drawing a few colored…
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5 answers

Framebuffer Documentation

Is there any documentation on how to write software that uses the framebuffer device in Linux? I've seen a couple simple examples that basically say: "open it, mmap it, write pixels to mapped area." But no comprehensive documentation on how to use…
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3 answers

OpenGL: Trouble with Render to Texture & Framebuffer Object

I'd like to render a scene to an initially empty texture. To do so, I use a Framebuffer Object to which I attach an empty 2d texture and a depth buffer. After the set up, as for testing, I draw a simple quad into the scene. Every vertex has a…
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2 answers

Do you have to call glViewport every time you bind a frame buffer with a different resolution?

I have a program with about 3 framebuffers of varying sizes. I initialise them at the start, give them the appropriate render target and change the viewport size for each one. I originally thought that you only had to call glViewport only when you…
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6 answers

Dirty Rectangles

Where may one find references on implementing an algorithm for calculating a "dirty rectangle" for minimizing frame buffer updates? A display model that permits arbitrary edits and computes the minimal set of "bit blit" operations required to…
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