Questions tagged [browser]

A web browser or Internet browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.

A web browser or Internet browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.

Some popular browsers are:

24729 questions
9 answers

Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?

Why do certain random strings produce colors when entered as background colors in HTML? For example: test ...produces a document with a red background across all browsers and platforms. On the other hand,…
  • 79,881
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19 answers

What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers?

What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers? Does it differ among browsers? Is a maximum URL length part of the HTTP specification?
Sander Versluys
  • 67,197
  • 23
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89 answers

How do you disable browser autocomplete on web form field / input tags?

How do you disable autocomplete in the major browsers for a specific input (or form field)?
Brett Veenstra
  • 44,790
  • 17
  • 65
  • 84
33 answers

Disabling Chrome cache for website development

I am modifying a site's appearance (CSS modifications) but can't see the result on Chrome because of annoying persistent cache. I tried Shift+refresh but it doesn't work. How can I disable the cache temporarily or refresh the page in some way that I…
  • 21,672
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12 answers

What does do?

What's the difference if one web page starts with and If page starts with