
I googled why I am getting this error, cannot resolve symbol 'R', and found 3 ways to solve it:

  • Invalidate Caches / Restart
  • Sync Gradle
  • update SDK

I already tried them, but it still doesn't solve the error except the invalidate one, but the errors come back when I open the java code file. So the invalidate option is a success if I don't check the java code after it.

Is it okay if I just leave it unsolved, if no error occurs, or are there any other ways to solve it?

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    Try putting manually in import .R Eg: `import christal.ruby.project.R` – Psypher Jun 08 '18 at 19:43
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    Possible duplicate of [R cannot be resolved - Android error](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/885009/r-cannot-be-resolved-android-error) – namokarm Jun 08 '18 at 20:03

1 Answers1


Usually cleaning and rebuilding the project solves the issue.

Chris Fodor
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