Wahab Ahmed


I have almost 5 years of experience Developing web based applications as full stack developer. I also help startups in making technical teams and training their team to work at certain standard and help them start on their product or project.

I have experience in server side technologies like PHP and Python and as DB I used MySQL, PgSQL and used JavaScript(for client side) and D3.js for data visualization and I am always open to learn more. I have successfully designed, developed, and deployed server applications on different servers including Amazon EC2 and rackspace un-managed cloud hosting. I have lead teams, worked inside teams as well as well as on solo projects.

Backend Skills: I Mostly used PHP and also Python on server side. PHP Frameworks Used: Laravel,Code Igniter Created and consumed REST API Used Codeception for REST API Testing

Storage/DB: Mostly used MySQL , while also used PgSQL and elasticsearch, MongoDB (basic)

LAMP Server Configuration: Comfortable on CLI. Have installed and configured LAMP server on cloud instances. Also configured mod_wsgi for Django with Apache2. Letsencrypt SSL configuration etc.

Frontend: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap,D3.js, HTML5 web sockets.

Frontend Frameworks: Vue.js

Version control system: SVN, Git

Mobile: Basic understanding and working knowledge of Android SDK including some of its UI components, SQLite and AsyncTask as I used them in my BS project in university.

Operating Systems: More comfortable with Ubuntu but also used Windows for few years.

Other than above skill-set I am good learner and always ready to learn anything required to accomplish work.

Other interests: I am always interested in improving things. Other than what I have currently done and know, I am also interested in working in Node JS, functional paradigm, WebGL, noSQL and search engines.

However, please note that my bigger plus is not my current technical skill-set but my quick learning and leading abilities.