Joel Meine


An enthusiast of computer hobbies and technical pursuits since my childhood, I have constantly been engaged in numerous projects and goals varying across technical, aesthetic, and domestic disciplines. Driven obsessively to perfect and optimize, the quality of my craft makes me uniquely qualified as the model candidate to produce gold standard works. I aim to impress by keeping technical details user-friendly, concise, and attractive to the understanding of the public. Most importantly, I keep my works and methods well documented, organized, and maintained for my peers to understand and follow. To quote a television show: "An engineer who isn't organized is like a dentist who doesn't brush or a priest who doesn't pray."

With a bachelors degree in Computer Engineering from Utah State University, I have acquired an extensive development skill set. I have crafted a diverse portfolio of technical projects and graphic designs. As an undergraduate, I worked in web hosting technical support for over 5 years and circuit board repair for over 3 years. Thus showing my commitment to my employer the willingness to endure the difficult training process over a prolonged period of time. To that end and more, I am committed to life-long learning to gain increased mastery of technical skills. I am mindful and observant of features in consumer technology where there is notable room for improvement. In turn, I submit my remarks on improvement to their developers accordingly.

The most notable influences to my talents are attributed to my enamoring childhood interest with dinosaurs and consumer technologies since the 1980s. I enjoy spending time with family, committing time to wholesome enrichment, and magnifying goals to optimize the quality of daily life. My writing instructors have been especially impressed with my commentaries expressing my values and views on humanitarian topics. To that end, I aspire to become an author and publish my works one day.