

Hello, my name is Nathan Pire. I’m 21 years old. I’m from Belgium; more specifically from Fleurus, a small city in the province of Hainaut.

I’m a computer science lover. Since I was young, my uncle, who was still living with my grandparents, was a student in this branch. I learned a lot from him and our common passion.

When I had to choose an orientation, I naturally chose a bachelor in business computing to become a developer. I’m now in my last year of bachelor and I love what I do. I learn every day and I’m addicted to that.

I also follow a lot of conferences. My highest priority is to stay up to date about the news of this sector. It has always been my mantra.

As member of the management of the Belgian team of a big augmented reality game (called Ingress) bringing about a million players together worldwide, I have a strong team spirit. Together with the responsibility of the webshop of which I’m webmaster, I also manage people. I like to work in team and take advantage of everyone’s qualities and never leave anyone on their side.

I’m glad you read this text and I hope to meet you very soon !