Michael Ossig


Currently, I work 10 hours a day managing hospital housekeeping so that I can afford to pay my existing student loans as well as pay for the bootcamp I just completed. I spend all of my free time coding and learning new ways to be a better developer. I am pretty new to the game, but I have a lot of passion and skill when it comes to building web applications.

My dream is to land a job as a front end web developer. I prefer to use React/Redux since this is the framework that really clicked for me. I have become somewhat of a specialist in it and I truly enjoy every aspect. I write tests like a champ using Enzyme and deeply understand the inner workings. As for the back end, Node is my go-to.

That being said, I believe we are all put on this earth to learn as much as we can, so my pursuit of knowledge and growth is never ending. Getting out of my current job and into a career that will foster that pursuit is my primary goal at the moment. I am hungry, but also teachable, and strive to be the hardest worker in any room.

"The way you do anything is the way you do everything" - Tom Waits